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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7

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[[Image:partition_verification.png|thumb|right|600px700px|Carefully verify partition mount-names and sizes prior to proceeding with install. Check [ installation screenshots] link for verification.]]
#From the installation summary screen, click '''Installation Destination'''.
#Check that your partition settings are correct (you can ask your instructor or lab monitor to confirm), and then click Done to proceed.
#A Summary of Changes screen will appear to show the partitioning operations that will be created. Click the '''Accept Changes''' button to proceed with the installation.
== Part 2: Custom Partitioning ==
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#From the installation summary screen, click '''Installation Destination'''.
#In the installation destination screen, select the destination option: '''I will configure partitioning''' and then click '''Done'''.
#The manual partitioning screen should appear. Change the option '''New mount points will use the following partition scheme''' from '''LVM''' to '''<u>Standard Partition</u>''' (you will not be using LVM for your c7host machine).
#If you have used your hard disk for previous Linux (Centos) distributions, you should remove them. Click on the distribution, and for each partition, select the partition and click the remove button (minus sign) and confirm deletion.
#It is recommended to rescan the hard disks by clicking on the rescan button (loop symbol).
#Before you proceed with creating partitions, let's see the partitions that we need to create for our host computer:<ul><li>Primary Partitions (ext4):<ul><li>'''30GB''' for '''/''' (i.e. "root")</li><li>'''40GB''' for /home</li><li>'''100GB''' for '''/var/lib/libvirt/images''' </li></ul> </li><li>Swap Partition:<ul><li>'''16GB''' (Note: "swap" must be selected from the drop down menu)</li></ul></li></ul><br>'''NOTE:''' Remember that the sizes are recorded in MB (eg. 30 GB = 30000 MB) and you should multiply GB by a factor of 1024 to get the correct size.<br> (eg. '''30 GB x 1024 = 30720 MB''')<br><br>
#We will now create the root (/) partition. Click on the add button (plus) sign.<br>
#In the '''Add a New Mount Point''' screen, enter '''/''' as the mount-point (either by typing or selecting from drop-down menu), and enter '''30720''' in for partition size and click '''Add Mount Point''' button.
#Repeat the same steps above for the '''/home''' partition and '''/var/lib/libvirt/images''' partition. You need to type the ''/var/lib/libvirt/images'' partition since it does not appear in the drop-down menu.
#Select each of the created partitions, and make certain that the file-system type is changed from '''xfs''' to '''ext4'''.
#Check that your partition settings are correct (you can ask your instructor or lab monitor to confirm), and then click Done to proceed.
#A Summary of Changes screen will appear to show the partitioning operations that will be created. Click the '''Accept Changes''' button to proceed with the installation.
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{{Admon/tip|Mount Points and Linux File System Types|Similar to other Operating Systems like windows '''fat''' / '''vfat''' / '''ntfs''' file system types, it is good to know a few common file system types in Linux for comparison:<br><ul><li><b>xfs:</b> &nbsp; Newer filesystem (fast transfer rates for large files, Journaling)</li><li><b>ext4:</b> &nbsp; Newer filesystem supporting large files and Journaling (used in for this lab)</li><li><b>ext2:</b> &nbsp; Stable filesystem popular for databases (no journaling)</li></ul>|
[[Image:partition_verification.png|thumb|right|600px|Carefully verify partition mount-names and sizes prior to proceeding with install. Check [ installation screenshots] link for verification.]]