Difference between revisions of "Weekly Schedule 20141 - OOP344"

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(Added gdocs timeline)
(Updated index)
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{{OOP344 Index | 20141}}
{{OOP344 Index Extended | 20141}}
'''This page is permanently under construction.'''
'''This page is permanently under construction.'''

Latest revision as of 14:50, 7 March 2014

OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | A1 | A2 | A3 | Student Resources
This page is permanently under construction.

GDocs Timeline

This is a google docs version of the timeline. We will be using it this semester (20141).

Week 1 - Jan 6

This Week 1

  • Introduction to Open Source development.
  • Collaboration Tools:
    • Wiki
    • Blog
    • IRC
    • Code Repository
      Git, Svn, ....
    • Big Blue Button
  • Etherpad
  • Object Orientation Review
  • C Review
    main Function return value
    pointers and arrays

To Do 1

Due January 10 (Friday) 18:00

  1. Create an account on github
    1. Make sure your account name is presentable. This name will stay with you forever.
    2. Make sure your information on github is complete (real name, email, etc...)
  2. Send ONE email to me(Hasan) containing your git hub id
    subject of the email should be 344Github20141
    email content
    name: Your Name (exactly as it appears on your Seneca student card)
    nickname: Your Nick name (how friends usually call you)
    Git hub ID: your Github id

Due by Jan 13, 23:59

  1. Create a blog (anywhere you like or use the one you already have)
  2. Join the IRC by registering your nickname on freenode server and joining the #seneca-oop344 channel for 344 related dialog
    Additional channels of interest: #seneca to interact with all Seneca students participating in opensource projects, and #seneca-social for Social (off-topic) dialog.
  3. Read Pro-git book
    Chapter One and Chapter Two
  4. Create an account on this wiki: send an email to cdot-wiki-admin@senecac.on.ca and ask for an account, an email will be sent back to you with your userid and a temporary password; make sure you have the following included in your email.
    • Email subject: Wiki Account Request
    • The subject you are enrolled in: "OOP344"
    • Your Seneca user id
    • Send this email from your Seneca Account only
  5. Learn how to do basic editing in a wiki

Resources 1

Week 2 - Jan 13

This Week 2

  • C++ Review (Lecture)
    • Pointers and arrays
    • Object Orientation
    • Classes and privacy
    • Helpers and Friends
    • Inheritance and polymorphism
    • Operators
    • Dynamic Memory
    • pre-processor directives

To Do 2

  • If you have not already, request an account on this wiki (admin email can be found on wiki login page, top right of the screen)
  • Add your information to The Student List as soon as possible

  • Git Exercise: (You need to generate an SSH key before you can do this exercise)
    • Fork the exercise 1 repo from github into your account
    • Clone the repo in your account to your local machine
    • Open the solution in Visual Studio 2012
    • Find the errors in the program and fix them (Discussing this on the IRC channel is encouraged, but supplying answers is frowned upon)
    • Check your output against the oop344-ex1-output to be sure you corrected the program properly
    • Once complete, add the file to your git stage and commit it with a message that details what you did to fix the program
    • Push the commit back to your git repository

Resources 2

Week 3 - Jan 20

Week 4 - Jan 27

Week 5 - Feb 3

Week 6 - Feb 10

Week 7 - Feb 17

Week 8 - Feb 24 (STUDY break)

Week 9 - Mar 3

Week 10 - Mar 10

Week 11 - Mar 17

Week 12 - Mar 24

Week 13 - Mar 31

Week 14 - Apr 7

Exam Week Apr 11-17