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76 bytes added, 12:57, 12 January 2012
About Me
==About Me==
My name is Dixon Lau, I am a software developer, a piano teacher, and a gamer. On the left hand menu, you'll find detailed Below is some extra information about my projects and hobbies, as well as my multiple resumes that I use for different fields of expertise"daily life".
====Software Developer====
====My Future====
What do I plan to be? In five years I plan to do exactly what I'm doing now. Develop software, continue teaching piano and continue playing mind boggling games. Many of my friends and co-workers tell me that I have a very unique skill set, and that I am not "just another programmer " or "just another gamer". While my skills will increase in each of these fields in those five years, I very much enjoy where I'm headed, and where I am now.
=This crazy wall of text=
No, I wasn't crazy enough to include a whole bio about myself when making this site, this is merely a copy pasta job from my CPP700's "professional" website.

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