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396 bytes added, 18:15, 18 February 2010
*smooth() & nosmooth() are basically setting a <canvas style> called imageRendering. Firefox 3.6 is suppose to recognize this style but so far Matthew is getting an error: unknown property imageRendering. Lighthouse ticket for this is going to be blocked. Dave will file a firefox bug and Anna will track the progress.
*Anna is going to clean up the zenit Processing.js wiki page. Project Tests and Processing.js 0.1 Code status sections will be removed. 3D Implementation Roadmap will be moved to Lighthouse.
* P3D allows for is Processing's software renderer. Since WebGL hardware/software renderingis configured by the user in about:config, we won't have access to this setting..We should create the 3D context if the user uses P3D or OPENGL in their size() call and just let the browser decide how to do rendering.* We need should look into profiling PJS sketches, especially ones which use a program for profiling.3D context.A profiler may give us some clues as to what WebGL calls could be made more efficient.

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