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SPR720 Python Lab I

779 bytes added, 17:23, 13 November 2008
Initial text.
Here is a small Python script:


import random

input=int(raw_input("Enter a guess: "))

if input<secret:
print "Too low!"
elif input>secret:
print "Too high!"
print "Correct!"

# Save this script, set the permissions correctly, and run it.
# Modify the script so that the user is given playing instructions before the game starts.
# Make the script loop to prompt for input until the the correct number is guessed.
# Displays the number of guesses the user took to guess the secret (score).
# Modify the script so that it does not stop when invalid data is entered (such as a word). Suggestion: use try/except.
# Accept only input value from 1 to 100.
# Write a blog entry giving your impressions of Python.

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