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OPS345 Lab 2

284 bytes added, 12:10, 17 December 2021
Your Setup
** Set the CIDR block to (larger than the subnet you will create later)
** No IPv6
* Now create a subnet in your new VPC: click on Subnets (note all the default ones, make sure you dont forget to name yours or else you'll quickly get confused). Click "Create subnet".
** Pick vpc-ops345
** Set the name to subnet-ops345
** Availability zone must be us-east-1a, in your environment that's a limitation that comes with using AWS Academy.
** Set the CIDR block to (to fit inside the VPC but leave room for other subnets later)
** Under "Actions" click "Edit subnet settings" and check "Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address".
* VPC dashboard:
** New VPC vpc-ops345 with CIDR block, no IPv6
** Subnets: create a new one in vpc-ops345 named subnet-ops345, in us-east-1a, (to fit inside the VPC but leave room for other subnets later)
** Edit subnet, enable auto-assign public IPv4 addresses
** Internet Gateway: Create ops345-internet-gateway, attach to vpc-ops345
** Create new Route table ops345-route-table, add route for through ops345-internet-gateway. Then add explicit subnet association to subnet-ops345

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