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Testing Mozilla Linux/Runtime Requirements

4 bytes added, 15:45, 24 December 2007
Project Details
386440 Cairo image scaling/composite significantly slower on Linux.
'''''386567''' NEEDINFO Reftests bidi/bidi-004.html and bidi/bidi-004-j.html failing on Linux
'''392934''' Linux XAA accel not useful for Render tracking bug
'''407352''' MakeSpaceTextRun should short-circuit zero-sized fonts [ASSERTION: throwing away our good metrics]
'''401988''' gfxPangoFontGroup::CreateGlyphRunsItemizing must use gfxPangoFont corresponding to the PangoFont of pango_shape''
== Project News ==
* '''June 13, 2007''' - Created project page, got permissions for use of Linux14 on hera.