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OPS435 Python Lab 2

11 bytes added, 12:39, 26 May 2017
PART 3 - Using WHILE Loops With IF Statements
:#Modify '''''', add a IF statement to the script that checks to see if a argument was entered. If a argument was entered use that number for the timer, if no argument was entered, then by default, the timer should equal 3.
<blockquote style="margin-left:35px;">{{Admon/important|style="padding-left:25px"|ADDITIONAL WARNINGS|When using arguments as numbers/integers or performing math on arguments you must wrap them in the '''int()''' function:<prebr><source>'count = int(sys.argv[1]),'</presource>}}</blockquote>
<blockquote style="margin-left:35px;">{{Admon/important|style="padding-left:25px"|Additional WARNINGS|When using arguments as numbers/integers or performing math on arguments you must wrap them in the int() function: count = int(sys.argv[1])<br><br>Remember to check the number of arguments using len(sys.argv) in an IF statement}}</blockquote>
::<span style="color:green;font-size:1.5em;">&#x2713;</span> Lab2 logbook notes completed
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