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OPS335 Assignment 2 - Murray Saul rev1

267 bytes added, 16:55, 28 February 2017
Set-up Master Name Server (balsam)
=== Set-up Master Name Server Mail Transfer Agent ('''balsampine''')===
Perform the following steps for this section:
#Create a clone virtual machine called '''balsampine''' from the '''seedling''' cloning-source. Refer to the table below for '''address''' and '''hostname'''.#The normal user on your host machine must be able to ssh to the root account on each machine without being prompted for a password.
#Create a '''regular user''' for this virtual machine using '''your Seneca userID'''.
#Setup a DNS server on your '''balsam''' virtual machine with noting the following items below:<ol type="a"><li>This virtual machine will be accept incoming email for any user account in the '''Master DNS server'''coniferous.trees.</li><li>This machine will provide '''forwardops''' domain and '''reverse''' lookups of ALL virtual machines any named machine in that domain.#Any machine within the '''coniferous.trees.ops''' zone, including resource records domain will be able to route outgoing email through this server.#Only the address associated with pine.coniferous.trees.ops will be used for virtual machines that do not currently existSMTP.</li><li> Make certain to include an #This machine will use postfix's built-in LDA, and will store mail in maildir format, placing each users''MX recordmail in a sub-directory of their home directory called ''' for your admin e-mail contact: '''yoursenecaid@coniferous.trees.ops#This machine will provide users with '''unencrypted'''</li><li>This machine remote access to their mail boxes through dovecot using IMAP. Note that this access will allow other only be available to machines (outside inside the '''coniferous.trees.ops.''' zone) to perform DNS lookups among ALL virtual machines within network, and only through the ip address and hostname for '''fir.coniferous.trees.ops''' network#No other machine in the domain will accept email.</li><li>#Any mail sent directly from this machine in will use the domain as the '''sending address (i.e. user@coniferous.trees.ops''' network may use )#All mail sent to this machine to perform queries of machines outside the network, however it will route all such queries through the should automatically be redirected here using DNS server you created in lab #3.</li></ol>
=== Set-up Slave Name Server ('''spruce''') ===