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OPS335 Lab 4b

523 bytes added, 08:34, 9 November 2016
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::Notice that there are <u>unencrypted</u> options available to connect to your SMTP/IMAP servers but those are rarely used these days - the potential for abuse is too great. On a free wifi network, the operator would be able to not only read your email, but also obtain your password without any password/encryption cracking tools. In fact, even on a private wired network, it is not uncommon for an employer to use a packet sniffer utility to monitor all the traffic going over their network (Packet Sniffing applications were actually found to be legally acceptable practices if used by the management of organizations).
::The specific security settings depend on how your servers were configured. '''The settings for the seneca servers are [httpsdisplayed below: <a href="" target="_blank">Setting up email with Mozilla Thunderbird</a><br />  Note that your username is your full email address (<em></em>) and not just <em>firstname.lastname</em>.</itsp>  <strong>POP3</servicesstrong>server: outlook.office365.comport: 110security: STARTTLS &nbsp;</emailp> <strong>IMAP</email_clientsstrong>server: outlook.office365.comport: 587security: STARTTLS <strong>SMTP</imapstrong>server: outlook.html published here]'''office365.comport: 587security: STARTTLS
<ol><li value="3">After you create your '''Thunderbird''' account, you should be able to read your existing email and send new email within the Thunderbird application.</li><li>Take time to view your ''Account Settings'' and ''Preferences'' to get a feel for what settings exist. For example:<ul><li>How often will Thunderbird check for new messages?</li><li>Will the messages you write be in HTML or plain text?</li><li>How do you change your SMTP server settings? Why are they in a different section?</li></ul></li></ol>