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Lab 6 Warnings / Debrief

32 bytes added, 11:35, 14 July 2015
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== Investigation 1 Configuring a Virtual Private Network (VPN) ==
For the remainder of this course, we will focus on networking involving our VMs and our c7host machine. This lab will focus on setting up a virtual private network ('''VPN'''), connecting our VMs and c7host machine to the VPN, and configuring our VPN to make more convenient to use, troubleshoot and protect. '''Lab 7''' will focus more on configuring SSH and making access to the VPN more secure. Finally, '''lab 8''' will focus on configuring the network for fixed workstations, mobile devices, or both at the same time.
<u>Configuring Two Steps Required to Setup a Private NetworkVPN</u>
[[Image:steps.png|thumb|600px|right|Explain 2 major steps to do - Configure in virt-manager, and then configure (either graphically or command line for each VM. ]]

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