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OPS235 Lab 7 - CentOS7

3 bytes added, 16:10, 24 June 2015
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==Purpose / Objectives of Lab 7==
[[Image:shield.png|thumb|right|150px180px|Protecting a computer network from unauthorized access is one of the many day-to-day operations for a Linux system administrator and/or security specialist]] 
Setting up a network of computers is very important, but there are many other operations that occur on a daily basis that can include trouble-shooting and repairing network connection issues and maintaining network security. System administrators need to protect or "harden" their computer networks from "penetration" from unauthorized computer users. Hardening a computer system can range from running IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) to monitor and flag suspicious activity to maintaining workstation screen savers to protect sensitive information while staff are away from their office computers.
In this lab, you will learn how to use the ssh, scp, sftp commands to work between computer systems via a network to allow safe sharing of data between authorized personnel. In addition, you will learn various methods of running and configuring SSH which include: using Public Key Authentication, settings up an SSH tunnel to run graphical application safely among computers in your network, disabling root login, and change the default communication port for SSH to mislead potential penetration testers (also known as "pen-testers" or "hackers"). and simplify secure network communication by using Public Key Authentication.
<u>Main Objectives</u>