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User talk:Chia-Yen Lee

5 bytes added, 20:48, 10 April 2015
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<u>Negative Effects Of Technology On Both College Students And Teachers</u>
'''Presence of internet has reduced analytical skills among students and teachers:''' The use of Internet is producing a decline in both teachers and students ability to think and analyze. Due to internet presence students no longer tend to think or try to analyze school work and activities.
''''''Technology presence has hindered our spelling and writing skills: ''' Technology presence in a way, is not always helpful as it has make students today, lack the ability of having quality writing as most assignment and test are usually done through typing on the internet. Today, most students lack spelling and reading skills as most work is been done with use of computer and internet technology.
'''Technology has indirectly reduced the concentration of students in class:''' Technology has made college students concentration level to be reduced during class activities with teachers, some students tend to use appliances at the wrong time, for instance student making research with the use of internet while in class and some other students texting during a class.

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