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CDOT Job Opportunities

173 bytes added, 14:48, 20 November 2013
What You Should Know about Working at CDOT
* Fall: September - December
Each Research Assistant position is associated with a specific research project, and requires a specific skill set. RAs work in teams under the technical direction of a faculty lead, and are funded by an industry partner and/or specific applied research grants. There are typically 6-18 Research Assistants working in CDOT at any one time; the largest number of RAs is hired during the summer semester. Research Assistant positions typically pay $XX per hour.
Because there is a limited number of CDOT Research Assistant positions typically pay $XX per houravailable, competition for these positions is high, and CDOT hires applicants with strong skills. We also recommend that all applicants for Research Assistant positions:
* have experience as an Open Source community contributor, and/or
* have taken a Seneca course in Open Source ([[OSD600]]/[[DPS909]], [[SBR600]]/[[DPI908]], or [[SPO600]]).

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