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OPS335 Installation Lab

503 bytes added, 19:34, 30 August 2011
Run and record the output of the 'uname -a' command.
At this point you have a basic Fedora 13 installed and updated. All the rest of our labs will assume you have this basic system running. If, for any reason, your system becomes corrupted during the semester, you'll have to redo this lab to be able to continue with the remaining uncompleted labs.
= Completing the Lab =
Answer the following questions and and email them to your teacher in ASCII text format. Be sure to follow your teacher's guidelines for submitting labs. These guidelines are posted on his web page.
What is your full name and nine digit Seneca student ID?
What is the code name of this Fedora Linux system?
What kernel release is your system running?
What is the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of your root file system?
What is the size and type of your /boot file system?