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Continuous Integration

No change in size, 12:11, 16 December 2010
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==Project goal==
Currently, NexJ has a Mercurial Repository (Internal) in which, the NexJ Express Server (Core) code is maintained with all its histories. NexJ is planning to share a Core Repository with the Open Source Community by creating a Repository (External) that will be kept in sync with the Internal Repository.
===Continuous Integration System===
*'''Comparing Different CI Systems''' -> [ CI Feature Matrix]
#'''[[Hudson-nexj |Hudson]]'''
#'''[[CruiseControl-nexj | Cruise Control]]'''
#'''[[Buildbot-nexj | Buildbot]]'''
#'''[ Apache Continuum]'''
#'''[ Anthill]'''
===Version Control Tool===
* Basic Tutorial @
* '''comparing popular version control tools''' []
# '''[[Mercurial-nexj | Mercurial]]'''
*1- '''[[Ant-nexj | Ant]]'''
:A new ant script is created e.g. ''buildHudson.xml'' that triggers the target(assign1.test) of main build file(build.xml) of the project. See below:
<source lang=java>
<project name="assign1" basedir="." default="myTarget">
<target name="">
<!-- Call the target that does everything -->
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="assign1.test"/>
<target name="myTarget.check" depends="">
<echo>The was called!</echo>
*2- '''[[Bash-nexj| Bash]]'''
::<code>hg log ${IntDir} -r ${PrevRev}: -b default --template '{node}\n'</code>
: This number will also be added to the commit summary while importing the patch from Internal repo
===Continuous Integration System===
*'''Comparing Different CI Systems''' -> [ CI Feature Matrix]
#'''[[Hudson-nexj |Hudson]]'''
#'''[[CruiseControl-nexj | Cruise Control]]'''
#'''[[Buildbot-nexj | Buildbot]]'''
#'''[ Apache Continuum]'''
#'''[ Anthill]'''
===Version Control Tool===
* Basic Tutorial @
* '''comparing popular version control tools''' []
# '''[[Mercurial-nexj | Mercurial]]'''
*1- '''[[Ant-nexj | Ant]]'''
:A new ant script is created e.g. ''buildHudson.xml'' that triggers the target(assign1.test) of main build file(build.xml) of the project. See below:
<source lang=java>
<project name="assign1" basedir="." default="myTarget">
<target name="">
<!-- Call the target that does everything -->
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="assign1.test"/>
<target name="myTarget.check" depends="">
<echo>The was called!</echo>
*2- '''[[Bash-nexj| Bash]]'''