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Fall 2009 SBR600 Weekly Schedule

670 bytes added, 11:48, 21 September 2009
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= Week 3 (September 22) - Creating RPM Packages I =
== RPM Packages ==
* Edit the skeleton specfile.
* Test it: <code>rpmbuild -ba ''packagename''.spec</code>
** If successful, output will be binary RPM(s) in ~/rpmbuild/RPMS and source RPM in ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS
*** Can install binary RPM with: <code>rpm -i ''rpmname''</code>
** If unsuccessful, read the error messages carefully.
* Check it with rpmlint: <code>rpmlint ''packagename''*</code>
** Remember to check the spec file as well as the binary and source RPMs.
** Correct any errors found.
== Layout of a specfile ==
# %changelog - record of the package's change-history
* Scriptlets
** %pre-- run before installation** %post-- run after installation** %preun-- run before uninstallation** %postun-- run after uninstallation*** Note that during upgrade, the installation of the new package is considered to happen before the removal of the old package.
* Macros
** %{_tmppath}
* Take the software you compiled last week and package it (not Nled!). Blog about the experience. Include a link to your source RPM (and optionally your binary RPM) from your blog.-->'''Please complete this by Monday, September 28.'''
= Week 4 (September 29) - Creating RPM Packages II=