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OPS245 Scripting Exercises Lab 2 dev

503 bytes added, 22:25, 24 January 2023
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sys.exit("Invalid choice, your VM options are centos1, centos2, centos3")
=== Else, we are doing a full backup (all 3 VMs) ===
Use the below sample to back up centos1. Modify it for centos2 and centos3.
print("Backing up centos1")
os.system("virsh dumpxml centos1 > /home/jmcarman/backups/centos1.xml")
os.system("gzip < /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos1.qcow2 > /home/jmcarman/backups/centos1.qcow2.gz")
=== Exit with success ===
Finally, we should exit successfully. This isn't technically necessary, but is a good practice.