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OPS335 Assignment 1a - Murray Saul

822 bytes removed, 06:09, 15 January 2017
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#The '''ns2''' machine will serve the same records as '''ns1'''.
 === Reference Materials: List of Machines / DNS Records ===
All the machines in the table need DNS records, but only the ones in bold need to be existing machines for this assignment.
== Create a Test Plan ==
Perform the following steps:
#Create a test plan (Libre Office, MS Word, etc) with '''at least 5 test cases''' to verify that you've completed the assignment according to specifications. A good starting point would be to view the test plan that you used in the second DNS lab.<br>'''NOTE:''' These test plans that you create are not required to be exhaustive, but they should successfully demonstrate the completion of this assignment's requirements.<br><br>
#The document that you are required to submit should be exported into the PDF format. You are required to submit only the PDF document (along with required screenshots - refer to "Assignment Submission" section).
#This document is required to appear professional (although you are not using a "dedicated" testing platform like in industry).
== Assignment Submission ==
Submit the following in Blackboard, Moodle, or whatever your professor specifies in class or "class announements" (For Murray Saul, also send these in an e-mail (subject line: OPS335 assignment1) with the following attachments):