Difference between revisions of "Summer 2015 OSTEP Team Training"

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(Initial Tasks)
Line 76: Line 76:
* Test device support in LEAP
* Test device support in LEAP
* Investigate 10G performance on X-Gene
* Investigate 10G performance on X-Gene
* Set up Seattle (try LEAP on it?)
* Set up S1 (try LEAP on it?)
* Set up a Seattle as the gateway for the EHL
* Set up a red as the gateway for the EHL
* Check repoclosure on aa2 and bb1 builds
* Check repoclosure on aa2 and bb1 builds

Revision as of 20:14, 5 May 2015

May 4

CDOT Orientation

  • 10 AM - 2 PM including Lunch


  • Relocate to new location
    • NE cubicle in T1034 cubicle cluster + Table
      • Coin toss for table!
      • Edwin: ?? - Existing PC
      • Justin: ?? - Import PC
  • Discussion of Summer 2015 Project
    • Overview
    • Initial projects: Infrastructure setup, server selection
  • Schedule for the Week


  • Workspace setup
    • LEAP: 4 cubicles in T1036 cubicle cluster + Table
      • Andrew: SW - Existing PC
      • Glaser: NE - Existing PC
      • Artem: Table - Import PC
      • Reinaldo: (SE Import/NW Existing)
      • Michael: (SE Import/NW Existing)
  • Computer setup
    • Individual workstations
    • Clean-up of storage and security on existing workstations
    • SSH key generation for EHL
  • Schedule for the Week

Tuesday, May 5

LEAP Intensive Training

  • 9-12 - T1042
    • RPM Overview
    • Creating an RPM Package
  • 2-5 - T1030
    • Working with Mock
    • Working with Koji
    • Package Set Dependencies

DevOps Training

  • 12:30-2:00 - T1030
    • Project Overview
    • Preparation
      • Initial research directions
      • VM setup and configuration
    • On-site training/requirements gathering

Wednesday, May 6

LEAP Intensive Training

  • Building, Releasing, and Maintaing a Distribution
    • Signing
    • Repos
    • Repoclosure
    • Composing
    • Release Notes
  • Boot process
    • Anaconda
    • Kickstart
    • PXE
    • uEFI
    • Installation configuration
  • Using the EHL
    • Architecture
    • VPN
    • Gateway system
    • System control - power, monitoring

Initial Tasks

  • Test new firmware for X-Gene
  • Test LEAP installation process
  • Test LEAP operation in a variety of contexts
  • Test device support in LEAP
  • Investigate 10G performance on X-Gene
  • Set up S1 (try LEAP on it?)
  • Set up a red as the gateway for the EHL
  • Check repoclosure on aa2 and bb1 builds

Next Tasks

  • Do complete bb1 buildthrough to el7
  • Get GUI working
  • Get interactive installer working
  • Set up Sigul

To Discuss

  • Pidora
  • Flock 2015

Equipment Needs

  • Workstations
    • Have 4 RA PCs
    • Need 7 RA PCs (+3)
      • Take 1 from BRAKERS
      • Use machine confiscated by CSO
      • +1?
  • Space and furniture
    • Need 2 furnished cubicles (DevOps)
    • Need 1 task chair for (Artem)