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OPS235 Lab 2 19

140 bytes added, 10:27, 29 August 2013
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:* '''Software testing''' -- Using multiple operating systems simultaneously on a single computer for testing and experimentation.
:* '''Network simulation''' -- Testing network services, protocols, and security scenarios with a small number of computers.
:* '''Penetration Testing''' -- Perform Scanning & enumeration in a safe and authorized environment to test for system vulnerabilities.
:* '''Isolation''' -- Protecting multiple sets of data by storing them on multiple virtual machines. If one of the virtual machines is compromised, the data on other virtual machines is still protected.
:* '''Server consolidation''' -- Reducing the number of physical servers in a network by moving physical machines to virtual machines. This saves hardware, administration, cooling, and electricity costs, and it can increase the utilization of hardware (by ensuring that the hardware is not under-loaded).