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Initial Setup
* Give that user certificate access through ssh (to and from) the other servers (in the backup group). Tutorials available [ here]
* Add a new lvm called archive that will be mounted as /archive on startup (add an entry to /etc/fstab). LVM tutorial available [ here]
* Create the following directories and give "backup" write permission to those directories
* Schedule backup as root (crontab entry) something similar to this:
20 2 * * * ADMHOST=$(cat /etc/sysconfig/blaze); BKU=backup; export ADMHOST BKU; scp $BKU@$ADMHOST:/usr/local/bin/blaze /usr/local/bin/; chown -R $BKU:$BKU /usr/local/bin/blaze; chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/blaze; /usr/local/bin/blaze
==Backup script explanation/source==