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GAM666/DPS901 Student Resources

782 bytes added, 19:53, 29 August 2012
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{{GAM666/DPS901 Index | 2011320123}}
=Student Resources=
The purpose of this page is to share useful information that can help groups with their game projects.and studying for the test ==Review Material for Test 1==* Windows Programming** Windows Functions (WinMain, EnableWindow, AdjustWindowRectEx, SendDlgItemMessage, GetDlgItem, RegisterClass, DialogBox (macro), DestroyWindow, CreateWindow, ShowWindow, UpdateWindow, PeekMessage, TranslateMessage, PostMessage, DispatchMessage, Setcursor, PostQuitMessage, DefWindowProc, WaitMessage, MessageBox)** Window Procedures* COM Technology* Direct3D** Direct3D COM Object** Direct3D Display Device COM Object** Direct3D Texture COM Object* Game Programming Aspects** Singletons and Interfaces** Event Iteration, Messages, and Timing** Re-Configuration, Loss and Restoration of Focus** Design, Coordination, Graphic Representation** Colour and Backbuffering** Action-Key Mapping 
==A Note on Visual Studio Includes==

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