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129 bytes added, 23:49, 14 November 2011
Prioritized List of Secondary Sources
| 3 || Beyond the Grand Illusion || [ PDF] || || B || ||
| 4 || Scene Context Neural correlates of change detection and Change Blindness: Memory Mediates Change Detection change blindness || [ PDF] || [[File:BeckRees.pdf]] || M D || Interesting article, however mainly talked about research that was done using MRI's and how the brain reacts during change blindness tests. I don't think for our tests we could test anything this in depth. ||Deductive
| 5 || Neural correlates of change detection Change blindness: Past, present, and change blindness future || [http://cognitrnwww2.psych.indianaubc.educa/busey~rensink/ChangeBlindnesspublications/Articlesdownload/BeckReesS&R-TICS-05a.pdf PDF] || [[File:BeckRees.pdf]] || D B || Interesting article, however mainly talked about research that was done using MRI's and how the brain reacts during change blindness tests. I don't think for our tests we could test anything this in depth. || Deductive
| 6 || Change blindnessBlindness Blindness: Past, present, and future The Metacognitive Error of Overestimating Change-detection Ability || [http://www2cognitrn.psych.ubcindiana.caedu/~rensinkbusey/publicationsChangeBlindness/downloadArticles/S&R-TICS-05aLevinMomDrivSim00.pdf PDF] || N/A || B D || Good article that we could use to help present the findings of our primary research, however there was little to nothing of value for our subject since it did not have anything to do directly with our thesis, but more with presenting the findings from someone elses research. ||Deductive
| 7 || <s>Scene Context and Change Blindness Blindness: The Metacognitive Error of Overestimating Memory Mediates Change-detection Ability Detection</s> || [ PDF] || N/A || D M || Good article This has been dismissed because of the fact that we could use to help present the findings of our primary research, however there was little to nothing of value for our subject since it did not have anything to do directly with our thesis, but more with presenting the findings from someone elses researchare spelling mistakes. SPELLING AND GRAMAMR MISTAKES. || DeductiveDismissed |- }
== Notes ==

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