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OPS335 DNS Lab

296 bytes removed, 16:07, 5 September 2011
{{Admon/important|NOTE:|For those of you using Fedora 13 installed on one removable HD and used as a host for one or more guest VMs, X will default to 122. You need at least two machines to do this lab (one host and one guest). The first will be set up as your gateway/firewall and DNS server. The others will be client hosts inside the intranet.}}
NOTE: For those of you using Fedora 13 installed on one removable HD and used as a host for one or more guest VMs, X will default to 122. You need at least two machines to do this lab (one host and one guest). The first will be set up as your gateway/firewall and DNS server. The others will be client hosts inside the intranet.
Here's what your network will look like:
[[Image:lab03.png|thumb|738px| ]]
Part A: Perform these steps on your gateway/firewall/DNS machine.
Start up your Fedora 13 PC, login as joker, open a terminal window and "su -" to root. This PC will be f13. It will be your gateway/firewall as well as the domain name server for your intranet.

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