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Edubuntu DVD installation

178 bytes added, 18:35, 26 February 2011
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A link to the Edubuntu website: [ [] ]
=== Steps to Perform a Fresh Install ===Create an administrator accountmplet
These steps assume that you have burned the current version of Edubuntu from the above links...
:# '''I would recommend an advanced partitioning if you have more than one hard disk'''. The current system has two hard disk drives. The first drive is the main system under the mount-point called "/" and the second hard drive has the mount-point called /backup for backing up the system. By correctly specifying these mount-points at this point will allow the system to identify and use these directories when the system is in use. Here are the recommended settings:<br /><br />'''Hard drive A''' (/dev/sda): '''Add swap partition''' (double size for amount of RAM), and '''add remaining partition''' as file-system called '''ext4''' with the mount-point called: '''/'''<br /><br />'''Hard drive B''' (/dev/sdb): '''Add entire file-system''' called '''ext4''' with the mount-point called: '''/backup'''<br /><br />
:# '''Create an administrator account''' (do NOT use the username "admin" (that name is already taken) ).
# When the installation process has completed, '''remove the installation DVD''', and then '''re-boot the computer'''.  === Steps to Perform Immediately After an Install === There are several important steps after you perform your install to further set-up your computer system. Steps: # x  In addition to above-mentioned steps,

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