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Processingjs gamepaper

704 bytes removed, 06:08, 16 January 2011
Browser Unification
One important feature provided by Processing.js is that it hides the differences between browsers. Web standards are often loosely defined, and thus variations can exist. These variations not only exist between different browser vendors but can even exist between versions of the same browser on different platforms. Something as simple as key events can vary widely between browsers. When creating content as interactive as games in the web, these small differences can create huge problems for the content creators.
 Processing.js hides a large number of these differences from the user by creating a unified method of handling common interactive events. Regardless of the browser/platform, the functions for handling events within Processing.js behavior of the event handlers are handled the same way. Different browser makers are also at various stages of implementation for various newer technologiesin different browsers. For example, WebGL provides typed arrays which are much faster than traditional JavaScript arrays. While these typed arrays are implemented for WebGL, they can be used outside of that context also and can provide tremendous speed improvement. However, not every browser supports WebGL at this time thus a fallback to regular JavaScript arrays is necessary if the feature does not exist. By hiding these differences between browser makers from the user, This standardization makes Processing.js provides a means an ideal candidate for game developers to make develop games without worry worrying about how the differences controls will differ between browsers. If a feature exists that can make the rendering smoother and faster, Processing.js will make use of it to increase performance. If it does not exist a fallback mechanism is available to allow it to still run.
==3D support==

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