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Supporting Architectures above armv5tel

238 bytes removed, 01:40, 15 October 2010
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This project will research ways that Fedora-ARM could support higher processor versions effectively without recompiling the entire Fedora package universe -- for example, by providing an armv7 + hardfp glibc and kernel. This involves performance testing across multiple devices.
Initial contacts: [[User:Chris Tyler|ctyler]], [[User:Paul.W|PaulW]]
== Project Leader(s) ==
== Project Contributor(s) ==
Name(s) of people casually working on the project, or who have contributed significant help. Include links to personal pages within wiki
NOTE: only Project Leader(s) should add names here. You '''can’t''' add your own name to the Contributor list.
== Project Details ==
-Run a benchmark on armv5tel and armv7tel processors
Provides more depth than the Project Description. This is the place for technical discussions, project specs, or other details. If this gets very long, you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages and linking to them.
== Project Plan ==
* 0.2
* 0.3
== Things to learn ==
-Ways of benchmarking ARM processors
-Compiling kernel and glibc
-Familiarization of the ARM hardware
== Project News ==