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Replacing Panels with Docking Station (awn)

11 bytes added, 10:07, 21 July 2010
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Once you have set up AWN, click on the '''CLOSE''' button, and '''restart your computer'''. You should see upon startup, that you now have AWN running (as well as the panels). In order to change the AWN settings, simply right-click somewhere on the awn area (but not directly on an icon). If you wish to launch more than one of the same applications, simply right-click on the icon and select '''“launch”'''.  
Now, that we have installed AWN and it runs upon startup, '''we no longer require panels'''. If you have secondary panels, you can easy remove them by right-clicking on the panel, and select remove. But you cannot perform this operation with the main panel.
'''In order to hide the panel, you must instruct your system to use awn instead of panels.''' You do this by issuing the following single-line command in a shell prompt (you do NOT have to be super-user, and this command should be issued for each user on the system):
'''gconftool-2 –type string –set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel “awn”'''
This will take effect the next time you log-in or restart…
'''gconftool-2 –type string –set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel “gnome-panel”'''
Regards of your preference, I encourage you to try to see if you like it. Must of my friends prefer using awn…

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