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41 bytes added, 13:50, 12 November 2009
Processing.js 0.1 Code status
* name: your name
* code link: a link to the code snippet or diff file if you had to change a function
* state: r?, needs review by Al. r-, reviewed by Al and not fit for check-in yet. r+, needs review reviewed by Al for check-inand work looks ok. checked-in, reviewed by Al and checked into the library.
* comments: comments you can put for Al or he can put regarding his review of your work.
<table border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td width="20%"><b>Function</b></td><td width="15%"><b>Name</b></td><td width="15%"><b>Code link</b></td><td width="10%"><b>State<br/>(r?, r-, r+, checked-in)</b></td><td><b>Comments</b></td>
<td>Daniel Hodgin</td>
<td>[ shorten()]</td>
<td>r+? Al</td>
<td>review needed by Al</td>
<td>Daniel Hodgin</td>
<td>[ expand()]</td>
<td>r+? Al</td>
<td>review needed by Al</td>
<td>Daniel Hodgin</td>
<td>[ unhex()]</td>
<td>r+? Al</td>
<td>review needed by Al</td>
<td>Daniel Hodgin</td>
<td>[ nfs()]</td>
<td>r+? Al</td>
<td>review needed by Al</td>

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