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Canvas3D JS Library

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Math Operations
== Math Operations ==
=== Vector Class ===
A Vector basically describes a direction in the form of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a 3D world. Basic 3D math cannot exist without the utilization of spatial coordinates which the Vector Class encapsulates. The Vector Class will have the following members within it:
* Getters
** getX() - '''Retrieves the X value'''
** getY() - '''Retrieves the Y value'''
** getZ() - '''Retrieves the Z value'''
* Setters
** set(newX, newY, newZ) - '''This sets new (x, y, z) values to the Vector'''
** setX(newX) - '''Takes a number value as the new value for X'''
** setY(newY) - '''Takes a number value as the new value for Y'''
** setZ(newZ) - '''Takes a number value as the new value for Z'''
** setFromVector(vec) - '''Takes a Vector object as the new value for this Vector'''
* Calculations
** normalize() - '''Unit Normalization'''
** dot() - '''Calculates the Dot Product. Returns a number'''
** length() - '''Returns the Length of Vector from (0, 0, 0)'''
** lengthSq() - '''Returns the Squared value of Length'''
** cross(vec) - '''Takes a Vector object and computes the Cross Product between the two values. Returns a Vector object that is the cross of the two'''
** add(vec) - '''Takes a Vector object and adds its values to its own'''
** subtract(vec) - '''Takes a Vector object and subtracts its values from its own'''
** multiply(scalar) - '''Takes a number value and multiplies (x, y, z) by it'''
** divide(scalar) - '''Takes a number value and divides (x, y, z) by it'''
** isEqual(vec) - '''Takes a Vector object and compares it to its (x, y, z) values. Returns true if they match'''
** multiplyByQuat(quat) - '''Takes a Quaternion and multiplies its orientation by (x, y, z). It returns a new Vector orientation'''
=== Matrix Class ===
A Matrix Class is necessary to provide Matrix operations such as rotation, translation, and scaling to any point in the 3D world. It is composed of a 4x4 matrix of floating point values that can be applied to any Matrix operation. This matrix is stored in '''Row-Major''' format, meaning its first 4 values are in the first row. The Matrix Class has the following members:
* Getters
** getMatrix() - '''Returns an array of 16 numbers. Each value represents a location of the matrix starting at the top left corner (Row-Major)'''
* Setters
** setMatrix(newMatArray) - '''Takes an Array of 16 numbers that represent the matrix in Row-Major format'''
* Calculations
** identity() - '''Sets the matrix up to be an identity matrix'''
** transpose() - ''' Transposes the matrix to be in Column-Major format, and vice versa'''
** inverse() - '''Calculates the Inverse of the matrix. Returns NULL if it fails, else it returns an inverse matrix'''
** determinant() - '''Returns a number that is the Matrices determinant'''
** adjoint() - '''Returns the Hermitian transpose (Adjoint) of this matrix'''
** multiplyByScalar(scalar) - '''Multiplies the values of the matrix by a number'''
** divideByScalar(scalar) - '''Divides the values of the matrix by a number'''
** multiplyByMatrix(mat) - '''Multiplies two matrices together. It returns a new matrix'''
** multiplyByVector(vec) - '''Mutiplies the orientation of the matrix by the vector. This function returns the newly oriented Vector'''
** addMatrix(mat) - '''Adds the values of two matrices together. It returns a new matrix'''
** subtractMatrix(mat) - '''Subtracts the values of the two matrices. It return a new matrix'''
=== Quaternion Class ===
A Quaternion is a 4-Dimensional representation of an orientation. It consists of a unit-length axis and an angle around that axis. It can function much like an orientation matrix but without the disadvantage of Gimble Lock. The Quaternion is stored as an array of 4 numbers, represented in the order of (w, x, y, z). The Quaternion Class has the following members:
* Getters
** getW() - '''Returns the numerical W component of the Quaternion'''
** getX() - '''Returns the numerical X component of the Quaternion'''
** getY() - '''Returns the numerical Y component of the Quaternion'''
** getZ() - '''Returns the numerical Z component of the Quaternion'''
** getMatrix() - '''Returns a Matrix object that reflects the orientation of the quaternion'''
** getAxisAngle(axis, angle) - '''Takes in two values, a Vector object and a Number. Converts the orientation of the quaternion into an axis Vector and an angle around it'''
* Setters
** setFromQuat(quat) - '''Sets this Quaternion with the same value as the one being passed in'''
** setFromMatrix(mat) - '''Creates a Quaternion orientation from the orientation of the Matrix object that is passed in'''
* Calculations
** length() - '''Returns the length of the Quaternion'''
** lengthSq() - '''Returns a number that represents the square of this Quaternion's length'''
** addQuat(quat) - '''Takes a Quaternion object that will be added to this Quaternion's internal (w, x, y, z) values'''
** subtractQuat(quat) - '''Takes a Quaternion object where its values will be subtracted from this Quaternion's (w, x, y, z) values'''
** multiplQuat(scalar) - '''Takes a number and multiplies its values by the Quaternion's (w, x, y, z) values'''
** conjugate() - '''Returns a Quaternion that is this Quaternion's conjugate'''
** dot(quat) - '''Takes a Quaternion and returns the Dot Product of the two'''
** normalize() - '''Normalizes the quaternion'''
** inverse() - '''Returns the inverse of this Quaternion'''
== Camera ==

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