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Migrate aNd Manage

1,009 bytes removed, 06:46, 15 November 2008
To Do
|Research Win RegisteryCopy/move/replace folders, files with error checking|instead of just copy all folders from default directory, maybe it's possible to grab user folders path insteadautomatic or manual|Target DateDONE: 2008/11/0911|It'possible bug(s nice to have such function.. but.. how??? ) when handling link
|usrcrt Function in Fedora (list)
|creat python function to add user list in Fedora
|Target Date: 2008/11/05
|support list of user that generated from WinUserSearch function, and it will generate a temporary password aslo, usrcrt -l UserList -p TempPassword
(Nes20081106): It seems python dose not have a library to support user create like bash dose. Need more research on that. May use python to call up bash to finish the task.
|spacechk FunctionUser Create and temporary password|get create a list of users and see how big the user documents directories(home directory) is and check the target space has enough space to move all fileswith given list or detected list|Target DateDONE: 2008/11/1415|spacechk -l UserList -t TargetDirectorydone, with automatic documents migration
|mvfatdir FunctionAutomatic mounting NTFS/HFS|movie a list of directories to target directoriesdetect and mount, it will check save the mount and permission status, location and it will also change the permission partition type to 644 or as user specifiedbe used in other function|Target Date: 2008/11/1420|mvfatdir -s FatDirList -t TargetList -p Permission (644 by default)
|UserInfoSearch Function|search more accurate user document from registry instead of copying from default user folder|Next|wdmt -uis|--UserInfoSearch /media/disk  add all options and functions and get ready for 0.3|finish all possible functions and option that in most cases for installation or post-installation|Bookmark Migration Functions Planning|find default IETarget Date: 2008/Fireforx bookmark and copy11/migrate to Firefox bookmark, will check if source and target conditions|next|firefox only |-|Function support check for GUI tools|make sure the function would support the GUI interface |next27

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