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Ops535 ansible lab

1,190 bytes added, 01:11, 29 January 2021
Part 4: Gather software and hardware information available on remote machine
: One of the main ansible module is called "setup", it is automatically called by ansible playbook to gather useful "facts" about remote hosts that can be used in ansible playbooks. It can also be executed directly by the ansible command (/usr/bin/ansible) to check what "facts" are available to a host.
[rchan@centos7 ansiblehost ~]$ ansible 192.168.9949.153 3 -m setup192.168.9949.153 3 | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [
"192.168.122149.993", "", "" ], "ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [], "ansible_apparmor"fe80::5054:ff:fe11:6767", { "fe80status"::5054:ff:fe8c:b67c"disabled" ]}, "ansible_architecture": "x86_64", "ansible_bios_date": "04/01/2014", "ansible_bios_version": "1.913.10-52.module_el8.el7_33.20+555+a55c8938",
"ansible_cmdline": {
"BOOT_IMAGE": "(hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz-34.1018.0-862240.141.41.el7el8_3.x86_64", "LANGcrashkernel": "auto", "quiet": true, "": "cl/swap", "resume": "/dev/mapper/cl-swap", "rhgb": true, "ro": true, "root": "/dev/mapper/cl-8root" }, "ansible_date_time": { "consoledate": "ttyS02021-01-29", "day": "29", "epoch": "1611896933", "hour": "00", "iso8601": "2021-01-29T05:08:53Z", "iso8601_basic": "20210129T000853810313", 
  "ansible_swapfree_mb": 2047, "ansible_swaptotal_mb": 2047, "ansible_system": "Linux", "ansible_system_capabilities": [ "" ], "ansible_system_capabilities_enforced": "True", "ansible_system_vendor": "Red Hat", "ansible_uptime_seconds": 21711, "ansible_user_dir": "/home/rchan", "ansible_user_gecos": "Raymond Chan", "ansible_user_gid": 1000, "ansible_user_id": "rchan", "ansible_user_shell": "/bin/bash", "ansible_user_uid": 1000, "ansible_userspace_architecture": "x86_64", "ansible_userspace_bits": "64", "ansible_virtualization_role": "guest", "ansible_virtualization_type": "kvm", "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python", "gather_subset": [ "all" ],
"module_setup": true
"changed": false
[[OPS435_Ansible_setupOPS535_Ansible_setup|Click here for complete contents of the above]]
= Investigation II: Ansible Playbook =