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OPS335 Assignment 2 - Murray Saul rev1

308 bytes added, 17:21, 28 February 2017
Set-up Firewall Policies
In addition to the basic firewall established in assignment 1, ensure the following restrictions are met:
# Any All virtual machines will use iptables as their firewall.Outgoing traffic is allowed. #Each virtual machine may query '''balsam'''must be able to check for and install updates using yum.# Only Traffic on the machines in loopback interface for each virtual machine is allowed.#The host machine (and only the '''coniferoushost machine) must be able to ssh to them.trees.ops''' ICMP traffic is allowed if it originated within the local network may query spruceonly.# Only spruce is Other than that, only the traffic necessary to support their roles described below should be allowed to get zone transfers from '''balsam'''.
== Assignment Submission ==

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