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OPS335 Assignment 1a - Murray Saul

33 bytes removed, 06:22, 15 January 2017
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# Do not install software on your cloning source: you are expected to install other software on your "cloned" VMs instead. For example, if you are required to install bind in a clone, install it in the clone as opposed to the "cloning source".
# Configure your network with a static configuration. Refer to the table below for IP address and hostname.
# Make certain that you have '''iptables''' services enabled and running instead of ''Firewalld''. The default rules should suffice.
# If you have created a regular user when you installed the machine, delete that regular user (you are to use only the root account).
# Set up an SSH server on this "cloning source". Make sure that the root account is only permitted to log in using key authentication. If user users are required to be created later, they should be permitted to log in with a their username and password.
Perform the following steps for this section:
# Make certain that you have '''iptables''' services enabled and running instead of ''Firewalld''.

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