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OPS235 Lab 5 - CentOS7 - VMware

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== Part 2: Monitoring Disk Space ==
[[Image:disk_usage.png|thumb|500px|right|The '''df''' and '''du''' commands are useful tools for Linux system administrators to flag disk space issues and investigate their causes.]]
Another essential duty of a Linux system administrator is to anticipate problems and take preventative measures to avoid computer system problems <u>before</u> that occur.
Monitoring disk space activity helps provide Linux system administrators information to help take corrective action before problems can occur.
# Remain in your '''centos3''' VM for this section.
# Issue the command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">df -h</span></code></b>
# Note the disk space usage for '''/''', '''/home''', and '''/archive''' partitions.
# If a partition is running out of available space, the Linux System Administrator can reallocate space among partitions or add another disk and grow the file system (like you did in a previous investigation). The administrator also can investigate the cause of low disk space. Two examples immediately come to mind: excessive use of space from users, and potential penetration from hackers.
# To investigate excessive disk usage by regular users, you can obtain a total amount of disk usage for that user by issuing the command:<br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">du -hs /home/regularuserid</span></code></b>
# To provided a more detailed list of usage (file-by-file), issue the command:<br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">du -h /home/regularuserid | more</span></code></b>
# If there is a recurring space usage problem with regular users, the Linux system administrator can impose quotas (caps on disk usage). This method is not taught in this course.
# The methods to monitor potential penetration to a Linux system are too numerous, and are taught in other coures (for example: SEC520). On method of monitoring potential penetration is to look for abnormally large files. Issue the command:<br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">find -P / -size +100000k</span></code></b>
# Did you see any files that are that size?
# The next section will apply some of these tools we have discussed into a shell script and crontab entry to periodically monitor and contact the system administrator of potential disk space issues (before they become a serious problem).
'''Answer the Part 2 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
==Part 3: Automating Running Shell Scripts Via Crontab)==
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|{{Admon/tip|Bash Shell Scripting Tips:|<br><ul><li>'''Using awk to Manipulate Text:'''<br><br>Legend has it that the '''awk''' command was invented by three C programmers that wanted to create a utility in Unix that had programming syntax more like C programming. People started to use the command and found it very useful for report generation and file repair or manipulation.<br><br>The command mimics a C program, with braces '''{ }''' that surround the action to perform based on records from a database file matching either test conditions, regular expressions, etc. Fields appear as numbers with $.<br><br>'''<u>Examples</u>:'''<br><br>''awk '{print}' data-file.txt''<br><br>''awk -F";" '{print $5,$3}' data-file.txt''<br><br>''awk -F"," '$4 &gt;&#61; 10000 {print $1, $2}' salary.txt''</li></ul>}}
This emphasis on this section focuses on how to run useful shell scripts or shell script that we have created at specific dates/times. It would be silly to expect a system administrator to stay up late (eg. 2 a.m.) to manually run a shell script to terminate processes or to re-boot Linux servers. Database files (tables) are used to provide instructions on how frequent shell scripts or commands can be run. The '''cron''' daemon is used to refer to these files and to run them on a pre-determined basis. The term '''cron''' comes from the old word '''chronograph''' meaning a special type of watch (actually a ''stop-watch'') to help monitor and schedule routine tasks.
#Perform this section in your '''centos1''' machine
#Make certain you are logged in as '''root'''.
#Download, study, and run the following shell script. Issue the command:<br><b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">wget</span></code></b>
#Try to understand what this Bash Shell script does (refer to man pages for the '''awk''' command), and then run the script as root.
In order to automatically run the above-mentioned script periodically, you use the scheduler in Linux called '''crontab'''. The term crontab stands for '''Chronograph Tables''', where a chronograph is the old term for a timepiece (the forerunner of the modern watch). You can run the crontab command to schedule commands and shell script to be run in a number of different ways.
<li value="5">Quickly view the tutorial about the <b>[ Using crontab]</b> file to understand the purpose of this
file and how to basically set up a schedule to run a shell script.</li>
<li>Issue the following command to setup a crontab entry for root:<br><b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">crontab -e</span></code></b></li><li>Enter the following line in order to run at 6:00 on the first day of every month:<br><b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">0 6 1 * * /root/monitor-disk-space.bash #Runs first day of each month (6:00 am)</span></code></b></li><li>'''Save''' the crontab entry.</li><li>Confirm that the entry was properly saved by issuing the following command:<br><b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">crontab -l</span></code></b></li></ol>
'''Answer Part 3 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
'''Answer Part 2 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
We take for granted that a file-system must be mounted (for example the root partition) in order for a Linux system to be usable upon system start-up. This was create automatically for the '''/archive''' mount point automatically when we used the system-config-lvm utility in the previous investigation. We need to learn now to do this manually by editing or adding an entry in the ''/etc/fstab'' file. The '''/etc/fstab''' (file system table) contains entries to mount various file systems automatically upon start-up of the Linux system.
'''Answer the Part 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
== Part 2: Monitoring Disk Space ==
[[Image:disk_usage.png|thumb|500px|right|The '''df''' and '''du''' commands are useful tools for Linux system administrators to flag disk space issues and investigate their causes.]]
Another essential duty of a Linux system administrator is to anticipate problems and take preventative measures to avoid computer system problems <u>before</u> that occur.
Monitoring disk space activity helps provide Linux system administrators information to help take corrective action before problems can occur.
# Remain in your '''centos3''' VM for this section.
# Issue the command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">df -h</span></code></b>
# Note the disk space usage for '''/''', '''/home''', and '''/archive''' partitions.
# If a partition is running out of available space, the Linux System Administrator can reallocate space among partitions or add another disk and grow the file system (like you did in a previous investigation). The administrator also can investigate the cause of low disk space. Two examples immediately come to mind: excessive use of space from users, and potential penetration from hackers.
# To investigate excessive disk usage by regular users, you can obtain a total amount of disk usage for that user by issuing the command:<br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">du -hs /home/regularuserid</span></code></b>
# To provided a more detailed list of usage (file-by-file), issue the command:<br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">du -h /home/regularuserid | more</span></code></b>
# If there is a recurring space usage problem with regular users, the Linux system administrator can impose quotas (caps on disk usage). This method is not taught in this course.
# The methods to monitor potential penetration to a Linux system are too numerous, and are taught in other coures (for example: SEC520). On method of monitoring potential penetration is to look for abnormally large files. Issue the command:<br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">find -P / -size +100000k</span></code></b>
# Did you see any files that are that size?
# The next section will apply some of these tools we have discussed into a shell script and crontab entry to periodically monitor and contact the system administrator of potential disk space issues (before they become a serious problem).
'''Answer the Part 2 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
==Part 3: Automating Running Shell Scripts Via Crontab)==
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|{{Admon/tip|Bash Shell Scripting Tips:|<br><ul><li>'''Using awk to Manipulate Text:'''<br><br>Legend has it that the '''awk''' command was invented by three C programmers that wanted to create a utility in Unix that had programming syntax more like C programming. People started to use the command and found it very useful for report generation and file repair or manipulation.<br><br>The command mimics a C program, with braces '''{ }''' that surround the action to perform based on records from a database file matching either test conditions, regular expressions, etc. Fields appear as numbers with $.<br><br>'''<u>Examples</u>:'''<br><br>''awk '{print}' data-file.txt''<br><br>''awk -F";" '{print $5,$3}' data-file.txt''<br><br>''awk -F"," '$4 &gt;&#61; 10000 {print $1, $2}' salary.txt''</li></ul>}}
This emphasis on this section focuses on how to run useful shell scripts or shell script that we have created at specific dates/times. It would be silly to expect a system administrator to stay up late (eg. 2 a.m.) to manually run a shell script to terminate processes or to re-boot Linux servers. Database files (tables) are used to provide instructions on how frequent shell scripts or commands can be run. The '''cron''' daemon is used to refer to these files and to run them on a pre-determined basis. The term '''cron''' comes from the old word '''chronograph''' meaning a special type of watch (actually a ''stop-watch'') to help monitor and schedule routine tasks.
#Perform this section in your '''centos1''' machine
#Make certain you are logged in as '''root'''.
#Download, study, and run the following shell script. Issue the command:<br><b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">wget</span></code></b>
#Try to understand what this Bash Shell script does (refer to man pages for the '''awk''' command), and then run the script as root.
In order to automatically run the above-mentioned script periodically, you use the scheduler in Linux called '''crontab'''. The term crontab stands for '''Chronograph Tables''', where a chronograph is the old term for a timepiece (the forerunner of the modern watch). You can run the crontab command to schedule commands and shell script to be run in a number of different ways.
<li value="5">Quickly view the tutorial about the <b>[ Using crontab]</b> file to understand the purpose of this
file and how to basically set up a schedule to run a shell script.</li>
<li>Issue the following command to setup a crontab entry for root:<br><b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">crontab -e</span></code></b></li><li>Enter the following line in order to run at 6:00 on the first day of every month:<br><b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">0 6 1 * * /root/monitor-disk-space.bash #Runs first day of each month (6:00 am)</span></code></b></li><li>'''Save''' the crontab entry.</li><li>Confirm that the entry was properly saved by issuing the following command:<br><b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">crontab -l</span></code></b></li></ol>
'''Answer Part 3 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''

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