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OPS335: File Servers

34 bytes added, 12:29, 21 February 2016
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#Add the following line to the bottom of the '''/etc/fstab''' file on your VM3 machine:<br>'''192.168.x.3:/home /home nfs4 defaults 0 0'''
{{Admon/important|Warning:|Do not change any other lines in this file. Do not change any lines in /etc/fstab on your host machine. Doing so can make your machine fail to boot.}}<br><br>
#<ol><li value="5">Run the following command to avoid an error that would be caused by logging in while root_squash is active:<br>'''setsebool -P'''<br>'''use_nfs_home_dirs 1'''<br><br>#</li><li>Logout of vm03 and shut it down.</li></ol>
====Testing NFS mounts on your client====