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Lab 6 Warnings / Debrief

107 bytes removed, 12:34, 23 July 2015
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In this lab, you will learn the basics of networking by using your '''Virtual Machines''' and your '''c7host''' machine. You will first set up a virtual private network among those machines. In addition, you will learn to set up '''network names''' (to associate with server's IP Addresses), '''associate network services with port numbers''' for troubleshooting purposes, and setup '''firewall policies''' via the '''iptables''' command.
==Investigation 1: Setup a VPN== 
You will be using the '''find''' command to backup recent changes to files. In this case, we will save '''date/time-stamp''' information in a file, configure to connect '''centos1''' to the network, run the '''find''' command, and run the find command to copy new (back-up file since date/time-stamp) in order to prove that the incremental backup worked (showing the files created as a result of the configuration of centos1 to the VPN).
== Investigation 2: Networking Tweaks ==
Connecting a private network is an important task, but a system administrator also needs to "tweak" the network to make it '''convenient to use''', make it '''safer from unauthorized access''', and use troubleshooting utilities to help '''troubleshoot''' network connectivity problems as they occur. This investigation will expose you to some useful tricks and utilities to help accomplish this task.
Topics Include:
:* Local Host-name Resolution
:* Obtaining MAC (Hardware) addresses on Network Computers
:* Creating Firewall Policies
<u>'''Local Host-name Resolution'''</u>