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Difference between revisions of "Weekly Schedule 20132 - OOP344"

(blog posts 10)
(Blog posts 3)
(25 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
Line 147: Line 147:
:[ AscToInt Function]
:[ AscToInt Function]
:[ SecB Dmitry Yastremskiy AscToInt Function]
:[ SecA Drew Terrance Kerr]
:[ SecA Drew Terrance Kerr]
Line 293: Line 295:
*: nullptr
*: nullptr
* Enum Review
* Enum Review
* Introduction to Recursion
* Introduction to Recursion [ some documentations]
* Dyanimic Lists
* Dyanimic Lists
* Doubly Linked Lists
* Doubly Linked Lists
Line 307: Line 309:
*[ Brad Stuart - DLList with UI]
*[ Brad Stuart - DLList with UI]
*[ Christopher Markieta - insertBefore]
*[ Christopher Markieta - insertBefore]
*[ Dmitry Yastremskiy - DLL]
== Week 10 - July 7==
== Week 10 - July 7==
Line 336: Line 339:
* Working version of Templates homework, please feel free to [ check this out and comment] - Artem Luzyanin
* Working version of Templates homework, please feel free to [ check this out and comment] - Artem Luzyanin
* Templates excercise[ Template Blog Post]- Prabhleen Bhupal
* [ Int to Bin attempt] - Brad Stuart (I can't find the base code for the templates stuff, so I created this one for making an array of whatevers)
== Week 11 - July 14==
== Week 11 - July 14==
=== This Week 11===
=== This Week 11===
*Static Variable review
*The compilation process [ compilation steps]
*:Compilation order
*:The linker
*:Common Linker Errors
*Multiple Inheritance Cont
*:Virtual Inheritance
*Advanced Template Use
*:Template functions cont
*:Template definition in CPPs
*Const review [ why & how?!]
*New Keywords
*:Basic arrays review
*:Heterogeneous Arrays
*Standard Template Library
*:std::string class
*[ Constrained Casting]
*Bit-wise Introduction
=== To Do 11===
=== To Do 11===
*A2 0.4 Milestone - Due July 19th
*No code exercise this week... INSTEAD: Blog about how you feel about the world of programming, where you want to go with your career, what professional options you are considering, etc!
=== Resources 11===
=== Resources 11===
* Does anybody know any good link to study heterogeneous array???
=== blog posts 11===
=== blog posts 11===
* [ About the World of programming and future at all] - Alexander Snurnikov
* [ The world of art and me] -Artem Luzyanin
* [ An old man laments] -Brad Stuart (Link is broken...)
== Week 12 - July 21==
== Week 12 - July 21==
=== This Week 12===
=== This Week 12===
*Bitwise operations
*:Bitwise Negation
*:Bitwise AND(&), OR(|), XOR(^)
*:Bit Shifting
*:Circular Bit Shifting
*:Flag definition
*Basic Encryption
*:XOR Cipher with key shifting
*:std::vector review
*:std::string review
*:std::iterator review
*File Streams
*:fstream review
*:fstream flags
*:binary files
*:saving and loading state from binary
=== To Do 12===
=== To Do 12===
*A2 0.6 Milstone - Due July 26th
* Implement a serialization function on our [ Doubly Linked List] that writes the list to a binary file and a load function that loads the list from the binary file. Be sure to keep the list's structure intact. Proper implementations will net the student a bonus 0.5%, blog about result, but do not post code, instead email me your solutions.
=== Resources 12===
=== Resources 12===
=== blog posts 12===
=== blog posts 12===
[ Artem's success]
[ Christopher Markieta]
== Week 13 - July 28==
== Week 13 - July 28==
=== This Week 13===
=== This Week 13===

Latest revision as of 22:51, 11 August 2013

Week 1 - May 5

This Week 1

  • Introduction to Open Source development.
  • Collaboration Tools:
    • Wiki
    • Blog
    • IRC
    • Code Repository
      Git, Svn, ....
    • Big Blue Button
  • Etherpad
  • Object Orientation Review
  • C Review
    pointers and arrays

To Do 1

Due May 7th (Tuesday) 18:00

  1. Create an account on github
    1. Make sure your account name is presentable. This name will stay with you forever.
    2. Make sure your information on github is complete (real name, email, etc...)
  2. Send ONE email to me containing your git hub id
    subject of the email should be 344Github20132
    email content
    name: Your Name (exactly as it appears on your Seneca student card)
    nickname: Your Nick name
    Git hub ID: your Github id

Due by May 13th, 23:59

  1. Create a blog (anywhere you like)
  2. Join the IRC by registering your nickname on freenode server and joining the #seneca-oop344 channel for 344 related dialog
    Additional channels of interest: #seneca to interact with all Seneca students participating in opensource projects, and #seneca-social for Social (off-topic) dialog.
  3. Read Pro-git book
    Chapter One and Chapter Two
  4. Create an account on this wiki: send an email to and ask for an account, an email will be sent back to you with your userid and a temporary password; make sure you have the following included in your email.
    • Email subject: Wiki Account Request
    • The subject you are enrolled in: "OOP344"
    • Your Seneca user id
    • Send this email from your Seneca Account only
  5. Learn how to do basic editing in a wiki

Resources 1

Week 2 - May 12

This Week 2

  • Git review - Git_Guide
    clone, pull, push
    add, commit, branch
  • Operators
    Lazy evaluation
    operators in C
  • pointers (continued)
  • Default Args

To Do 2

Resources 2

blog posts 2

Week 3 - May 19

Week 4 - May 26

This Week 4

To Do 4

Resources 4

blog posts 4

Week 5 - June 2

This Week 5

To Do 5

Resources 5

blog posts 5

Week 6 - June 9

This Week 6

  • Tuesday class, cancelled (makeup session and more during study break)
  • conui review and Initial repo settings
  • class member access operator review
    arrow and dot
  • literals
  • sizeof()
  • operators (more in detail)

To Do 6

  1. Add your information to Teams1 List - Due NOW!
  2. After adding your information to the Teams1 List, click on your team name and update your Team Page to match your team requirements. - Due NOW!
  3. Add your your information to The Student List Page. Due NOW!
  4. complete your task in Release R0.1 - Due Monday 17th, 23:59

Resources 6

blog posts 6

Week 7 - June 16

This Week 7

To Do 7

  1. Add resize to IntArr

Resources 7

blog posts

Week 8 - June 23 (Study Break)

This Week 8

  • makeup session and more (June, Tuesday 25th)
    9:00 to ???
    please make sure you are rested and ready for a long day of study, new materials and reviews

To Do 8

Resources 8

blog posts 8

Week 9 - June 30

This Week 9

To Do 9

  • Complete Doubly Linked List Implementation
  • Blog about it

Resources 9

blog posts 9

Week 10 - July 7

This Week 10

  • Exceptions tutorial: try catch
    Exception classes and objects
  • Function Stack Review
  • Glance at Standard Template Library
  • Templates
    Templated classes and functions
    Default template parameters
    Templating Techniques (Inheritance with templates, mix-ins)
  • Multiple Inheritance
    Multiple Class Inheritance
    Glance at Interfaces
    Diamond Inheritance Issues (Template solutions)

To Do 10

  • Split up work with teammates for A2, complete skeletons of classes (Due July 12)
  • Complete Template Exercise and blog about it

Resources 10

blog posts 10

  • Stuck on "Templates Homework" (need help please) My Blog post - Alexander Snurnikov
     Check my blog post, after word ATTENTION. Also, you doubled our code in two of your classes - Artem - //Thank you:) - Alex
  • Int to Bin attempt - Brad Stuart (I can't find the base code for the templates stuff, so I created this one for making an array of whatevers)

Week 11 - July 14

This Week 11

  • Static Variable review
  • The compilation process compilation steps
    Compilation order
    The linker
    Common Linker Errors
  • Multiple Inheritance Cont
    Virtual Inheritance
  • Advanced Template Use
    Template functions cont
    Template definition in CPPs
  • Const review why & how?!
  • New Keywords
  • Arrays
    Basic arrays review
    Heterogeneous Arrays
  • Standard Template Library
    std::string class
  • Constrained Casting
  • Bit-wise Introduction

To Do 11

  • A2 0.4 Milestone - Due July 19th
  • No code exercise this week... INSTEAD: Blog about how you feel about the world of programming, where you want to go with your career, what professional options you are considering, etc!

Resources 11

  • Does anybody know any good link to study heterogeneous array???

blog posts 11

Week 12 - July 21

This Week 12

  • Bitwise operations
    Bitwise Negation
    Bitwise AND(&), OR(|), XOR(^)
    Bit Shifting
    Circular Bit Shifting
    Flag definition
  • Basic Encryption
    XOR Cipher with key shifting
  • STL
    std::vector review
    std::string review
    std::iterator review
  • File Streams
    fstream review
    fstream flags
    binary files
    saving and loading state from binary

To Do 12

  • A2 0.6 Milstone - Due July 26th
  • Implement a serialization function on our Doubly Linked List that writes the list to a binary file and a load function that loads the list from the binary file. Be sure to keep the list's structure intact. Proper implementations will net the student a bonus 0.5%, blog about result, but do not post code, instead email me your solutions.

Resources 12

blog posts 12

Artem's success

Christopher Markieta

Week 13 - July 28

This Week 13

To Do 13

Resources 13

blog posts 13

Week 14 - August 4

This Week 14

To Do 14

Resources 14

blog posts 14

Week 15 - August 11 (Exam Week)

This Week 15

To Do 15

Resources 15

blog posts 15