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(To Do)
(This Week)
(34 intermediate revisions by 12 users not shown)
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* [ '''Return the bits present in a integer by using a function''']----[[User:bsingh107|bsingh107]] 17:44, 12 March 2012 (EST)
* [ '''Return the bits present in a integer by using a function''']----[[User:bsingh107|bsingh107]] 17:44, 12 March 2012 (EST)
* [ '''My bits function'''] and [ '''Modified from others version''']--[[User:Tvirutthasalam|Tvirutthasalam]] 17:59, 12 March 2012 (EDT)
* [ '''My bits function'''] and [ '''''Modified from others version''''']--[[User:Tvirutthasalam|Tvirutthasalam]] 17:59, 12 March 2012 (EDT)
* [ '''My solution for printing the binary numbers for the integer''']----[[User:xlian3|xlian3]] 18:28, 12 March 2012 (EST)
* [ '''My solution for printing the binary numbers for the integer''']----[[User:xlian3|xlian3]] 18:28, 12 March 2012 (EST)
* [ '''Using cout to print binary version of int''']--[[User:Gdanish|Gdanish]] 19:07, 12 March 2012 (EDT)
* [ '''Using cout to print binary version of int''']--[[User:Gdanish|Gdanish]] 19:07, 12 March 2012 (EDT)
* [  '''Using cout to print binary version of int''']--[[User:wwong20|wwong20]] 23:10, 13 March 2012 (EDT)
* [ ''' print binary numbers ''']--[[User: HonghuiChen|hchen142]] 23:59, 13 March 2012 (EDT)
* [ ''' My answer ''']--[[User: dyu26|dyu26]] 17:56, 14 March 2012 (EDT)
* [ '''Getting cout<<"i: "<<bits(i)<<endl; to work''']--[[User: aadamico|aadamico]] 20:51, 14 March 2012 (EDT)
=== Help ===
=== Resources ===
*If you missed this class (Monday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture [ here!]
*If you missed this class (Thursday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture [ here!]<--Assignment explained!
== Week 11 - Mar 19 ==
=== This Week ===
* linklists
* templates
=== To Do===
* ['''insertBefore and insertAfter''']--[[User:Gdanish|Gdanish]] 21:51, 20 March 2012 (EDT)
* ['''Double linked list with templates ''']--[[User:bsingh107|bsingh107]] 22:32, 20 March 2012 (EDT)
* ['''Double linked list with template (no sort) ''']--[[User:avtran3|avtran3]] 23:32, 20 March 2012 (EDT)
* [ '''Double Linked List with Template - (INCLUDED ALL)''']--[[User:Tvirutthasalam|Tvirutthasalam]] 04:53, 21 March 2012 (EDT)
* [ '''TESTER FOR ABOVE PROGRAM''']--[[User:Tvirutthasalam|Tvirutthasalam]] 12:32, 21 March 2012 (EDT)
=== Help ===
=== Resources ===
*[ 19-Mar-2012.mp4] (Monday) Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 (74 mb)<br/>
*If you missed this class (Monday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture [ here!]
== Week 12 - Mar 26 ==
=== This Week ===
* i/o/f streams
* read/write from files
=== To Do===
=== Special Event ===
'''<font color="red">Fardad's Birthday[Mar 26, 2012] Celebration -> [ PICTURES]'''</font>
=== Help ===
*[ IOS Classes Hierarchy]
*Has Fardad mentioned when we are having test #2?
*: Coming Monday!--[[User:Tvirutthasalam|Tvirutthasalam]] 01:32, 5 April 2012 (EDT)
=== Resources ===
*[ 26-Mar-2012.mp4] (Monday, Sec B) Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 (75 mb)<br/>
*[ 29-Mar-2012.mp4] (Thusday, Sec B) Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 (75 mb)<br/>
*If you missed this class (Monday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture [ here!]
* [ '''Exam Notes''']--[[User:kwong67|kwong67]] 16:10, 13 April 2012 (EST)
== Week 13 - Apr 02 ==
=== This Week ===
=== To Do===
=== Help ===
=== Resources ===
== Week 14 - Apr 09 ==
=== This Week ===
* Test 2
=== To Do===
=== Help ===
=== Resources ===
== Week 15 - Apr 16 ==
=== This Week ===
=== Help ===
=== Help ===
=== Resources ===
=== Resources ===

Latest revision as of 10:02, 14 April 2012

OOP344 -- Weekly Schedule 2012/1 (Winter Semester)

  • Watch the lecture, scroll bellow to Resources!

Week 1 - Jan 8

This Week

  • Introduction to Open Source development.
  • Collaboration Tools:
    • Wiki
    • Blog
    • IRC
    • Code Repository

To Do

Form a team of 3 to 5 students and select a name for your team. (members can be from both sections of oop344)

  1. Create an account on this wiki, (please use your seneca email id for your wiki id)
  2. Join the IRC by registering your nickname on freenode server and joining the #seneca-oop344 channel for 344 related dialog
    Additional channels of interest: #seneca to interact with all Seneca students participating in opensource projects, and #seneca-social for Social (off-topic) dialog.
  3. Create a blog (if you don't already have one)
  4. Add your name to the OOP344 Student List
  5. Download SVN and check out the OOP344 repo(svn:// to get the notes done in class (userid: "oop344", no password)
  6. Create your team page using provided template


Week 2 - Jan 15

This Week

  • namespaces
  • extern
  • define
  • project review

To Do

  • Form your teams and send me ONE email per team containing team member complete Seneca info.
    Update the Team page.
  • If you are not able to join a team send me an email to place your myself.


  • Each team should have their own page like this team. Click here for more info.

Week 3 - Jan 22

This Week

  • pointers review, pointer arithmetic
  • project review

To Do

  • Finalize your teams


  • Some notes from the Thursday class can be found here (apetrus)
  • 26-Jan-2012.mp4 Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 (55 mb)
  • One important thing to know here --Gdanish 22:36, 9 February 2012 (EST)

Week 4 - Jan 30

This Week

  • Statics
    attributes (member variables
  • recursion
  • Operators in C
  • Virtual
    pure virtual methods
    abstract base classes
  • Pointers to Functions

To Do

  • Review your teams


  • If you missed this class (Thursday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture here!
  • I have also posted some class notes here and here (apetrus)
  • 02-Feb-2012.mp4 Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 (85 mb)

Week 5 - Feb 05

This Week

  • References
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation (DMA)
    Creating a Smart Integer Array
  • Variable Argument list
  • Command line arguments
  • Pointers to Functions (continued)
  • SVN account submissions

To Do

int validMonth(int mon, char* errmes){
  int res = 0;
  if(mon > 0 && mon <=12){
    res  = 1;
    strcpy(errmes, "Invalid month (1<=month<=12)");
  return res;

write the above function in one line:

int validMonth(int mon, char* errmes){
  return yada yada;

yada yada can have only operators and one function call (no ?: operator allowed)


  • Can anyone post the audio/video version of today's class. Can't remember the homework question that was given near end of class.--Tvirutthasalam 21:50, 6 February 2012 (EST)
  • You can find that at the the end of my page below in Resources
    • Yea right... I forgot about you... again.. thank u for da wonderful job. It's always help me..!!--Tvirutthasalam 00:08, 7 February 2012 (EST)
    • No problems! Please comment!!


  • If you missed this class (Monday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture here!
  • 06-Feb-2012.mp4 (Monday) Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 (70 mb)
  • If you missed this class (Thursday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture here!
  • 09-Feb-2012.mp4 (Thursday) Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 ( mb)

Week 6 - Feb 12

This Week

  • Monday Class will be in T2107
  • Dynamic Arrays/Strings Continued
  • Overload Casts
  • Linked Lists Intro

To Do


  • Is anyone aware if the mid term test is this Thursday or the Monday after reading week?
    • It is on Monday after the study break.--Gdanish 16:17, 29 February 2012 (EST)


Week 7 - Feb 19

This Week

  • void pointers
  • Project
  • Linked Lists

To Do


  • Fardad, I Have a question,
    data3 -> data2 -> data1 -> NULL
    I was asking the same question in today's class... just want to get clear about adding a Node. On your example, you wrote, that removing a Node is happenning from _head of the linked list... which is after data3 on my above example... right, then why we are adding a Node from tail (ie. between data1 and NULL) of the linked list...?? if the adding on tail is right then, why we are removing from other side i mean.. head??? both process suppose to happen from same place... right? If we get this type of question on test or exam, it will definetly cofuse me. Please correct me if I understand wrongly. Thanks! If the adding is happenning on head, here is my code...--Tvirutthasalam 19:08, 23 February 2012 (EST)
    • got the answer from Chris' notes. Actually, a queue operates on a first in, first out principle (FIFO). It means, adding haPpen on tail and remove happen on head... My bad.--Tvirutthasalam 09:08, 24 February 2012 (EST)
    • For a Stack, addition and removal of nodes occurs only at the head. But for a simple linked-list, addition of nodes occurs at the tail of the linked-list(as Fardad always gives an example of a queue at the Tim-Hortons where customers are removed from the queue from the head and are added at the back of the queue). But for a double linked-list, addition and removal of nodes can occur from anywhere in the queue...--bsingh107 5:34, 4 March 2012 (EST)


  • If you missed this class (Thursday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture here!
  • 23-Feb-2012.mp4 (Thursday) Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 (62 mb)

Week 8 - Feb 26

This Week

To Do

At 9:45:

  • Have your computers ready (you might want to)
    1. Login to IRC
    2. Have svn handy and Visual Studio (or any IDE) just in case
    3. make sure your default computer speakers are set to be your head set
    4. test your head set
    5. test your webcam, if you would like to use it (I will)

it is Very important to use your real name when joining the conference



Linked List Slides (odp)
Linked List Slides (pptx)

Week 9 - Mar 04

This Week

  • Test One
  • bitwise operators

To Do



  • If you missed this class (Thursday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture here!

Week 10 - Mar 11

This Week

  • bitwise operators (continued)

To Do

  • Make the following possible:
int i = 2345;
cout<<"i: "<<bits(i)<<endl;
output: i: 00000000000000000000100100101001



  • If you missed this class (Monday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture here!
  • If you missed this class (Thursday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture here!<--Assignment explained!

Week 11 - Mar 19

This Week

  • linklists
  • templates

To Do



  • 19-Mar-2012.mp4 (Monday) Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 (74 mb)
  • If you missed this class (Monday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture here!

Week 12 - Mar 26

This Week

  • i/o/f streams
  • read/write from files

To Do

Special Event

Fardad's Birthday[Mar 26, 2012] Celebration -> PICTURES



  • 26-Mar-2012.mp4 (Monday, Sec B) Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 (75 mb)
  • 29-Mar-2012.mp4 (Thusday, Sec B) Also if you are interested audio lecture in one file.mp4 (75 mb)
  • If you missed this class (Monday) or you couldn't follow along because fardad speaks too fast. whatever the reason you can watch the lecture here!
  • Exam Notes--kwong67 16:10, 13 April 2012 (EST)

Week 13 - Apr 02

This Week

To Do



Week 14 - Apr 09

This Week

  • Test 2

To Do



Week 15 - Apr 16

This Week


