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== Project Description ==
== Project Description ==
The Fedora-ARM koji system uese HongKong,an x86_64 system, as the Koji hub.
The Fedora-ARM koji system uese IRAQ,an x86_64 system, as the Koji hub.
The Fedora-ARM project to use ARM system as the Koji hub(this is called "Eating own dogfood" in the industry)
The Fedora-ARM project to use ARM system as the Koji hub(this is called "Eating own dogfood" in the industry)
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== Project Details ==
== Project Details ==
'''First stage'''
* '''Koji Authentication Selection'''
    Koji primarily supports Kerberos and SSL Certificate authentication. For basic koji command line access,   
Setting Up a Koji Build System
    plain user/pass combinations are possible.  However, kojiweb does not support plain user/pass authentication.
    Furthermore, once either Kerberos or SSL Certificate authentication is enabled so that kojiweb will work,
    the plain user/pass method will stop working entirely.
    As such plain user/pass authentication is a stop gap measure at best unless you intend to never setup
    a fully functional kojiweb instance.
    The Kerberos credentials of the initial admin user will be necessary to bootstrap the user database.
The Koji components may live on separate resources as long as all resources are able to communicate.
To understand koji configuration is an important in project.
    For SSL authentication, SSL certificates for the xmlrpc server, for the various koji components,
'''KOJI Configuration'''
    and one for the admin user will need to be setup
    1.[  Setting up SSL Certificates for authentication]
* SSL and authentication via certificates
* Creating a database in PostgreSQL and importing a schema
* Working with psql
* Apache configuration
* Koji web and Koji hub
    2.[ Setting up Kerberos for authentication]
So,Release 0.1 results here [  in my blog]
'''Second stage'''
* Koji Database
On the server (koji-hub/koji-web)
1.Create Database
* httpd
* mod_ssl
* postgresql-server
* mod_python (>= 3.3.1 for Kerberos authentication)
yum install postgresql-server
On the builder (koji-builder)
2. Once installed you will then need to initialize the Database with the following command:
* mock
* rpm-build
* createrepo
service postgresql initdb
On the yum repository creation and maintenance (kojira)
3.Start the Postgresql service with:
On the Bootrapping the Koji build environment
service postgresql start
* Importing packages and preparing Koji to run builds
* External Repos and preparing Koji to run builds
4. At this point the Postgresql server is installed and operational provided no errors were reported with the database initialized.
== Project Plan ==
The next steps is to create a user named “koji”, set up Postgresql and populate the schema:
Goals for each release:
useradd koji
'''release 0.1 - Koji Certificates '''
passwd -d koji
su - postgres
createuser koji
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n
Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles?(y/n) n
createdb -O koji koji
'''setting up SSL Certificates for Authentication'''
su - koji
psql koji koji < /usr/share/doc/koji*/docs/schema.sql
Authorize Koji-web and Koji-hub resources: In this example, Koji-web and Koji-hub are running on localhost.
* Certificate generation
* Generate CA
* Generate the koji component certificates and the admin certificate
* Copy certificates into ~/.koji for kojiadmin
/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf: These settings need to be valid and inline with other services configurations.
Please note, the first matching auth line is used so this line must be above any other potential matches. Add:
host    koji      koji          trust
'''release 0.2 - PostgreSQL and koji hub'''
local    koji      apache                        trust
local    koji      koji                           trust
To edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
'''release 0.2-1'''
'''1.PostgreSQL Server'''
host koji koji trust
host koji apache trust
host koji koji ::1/128 trust
host koji apache ::1/128 trust
local koji apache trust
local koji koji trust</code>
'''TO enable auth changes live:'''
* Install PostgreSQL
* Initialize PostgreSQL DB
* Setup User Accounts
* Setup PostgreSQL and populate schema
* Authorize Koji-web and Koji-hub resources
* Make auth changes live
* SSL Certificate authentication
* Give yourself admin permissions
root@localhost$ su - postgres
postgres@localhost$ pg_ctl reload
postgres@localhost$ exit
Bootstrapping the initial koji admin user into the PostgreSQL database: The initial admin user must be manually added to the user database using sql commands.  Once they are added and given admin privilege, they may add additional users and change privileges of those users via the koji command line tool's administrative commands.  However, if you choose to use the simple user/pass method of authentication, then any password setting/changing must be done manually via sql commands as there is no password manipulation support exposed through the koji tools.
The sql commands you need to use vary by authentication mechanism.
'''release 0.2-2'''
SSL Certificate authentication: there is no need for either a password or a Kerberos principal, so this will suffice:
'''2.Koji hub'''
koji=> insert into users (name, status, usertype) values ('admin-user-name', 0, 0);
* Install koji-hub
* Required Configuration
* Optional Configuration
* SELinux Configuration
* Koji filesystem skeleton
Give yourself admin permissions
koji=> insert into user_perms (user_id, perm_id, creator_id) values (<id of user inserted above>, 1, <id of user inserted above>);
* 0.3 - '''Koji Web'''
you can get the ID of the new user by running the query:
koji=> select * from users;
So,Release 0.2-1 results here [ in my blog]
So,Release 0.3-1 results here [ in my blog]
'''Last stage'''
'''Setup Koji Web and web'''
* Koji Hub Configuration
1. introduction
It was agreed that all parts of our Koji build system would reside on IRAQ.
After successfully installing and configuring Postgresql the next step is the Koji Hub.
In order for the Koji Hub to work Apache should be installed as well as a few additional modules.
Run the following command as root:
yum install koji-hub httpd mod_ssl mod_python
2. Edit the Apache conf file
~/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and change the “MaxRequestsPerChild” to 100.
On IRAQ these setting were already in place as Apache was running and configured.
'''release 0.3-1'''
Next edit the ‘/etc/koji-hub/hub.conf’ file and add the following lines:
'''1. kojiweb '''
DBName = koji
* Install Koji-Web
DBUser = koji
* Required Configuration
DBHost = localhost
* Optional Configuration
KojiDir = /mnt/koji
LoginCreatesUser = On
KojiWebURL =
'''2. Koji Builder'''
3. Using SSL for authentication
* Install kojid
* Required Configuration
* Optional Configuration (SSL certificates)
* Add the host entry for the koji builder to the database
* Add the host to the createrepo channel
* A note on capacity
* Start Kojid
Add this line.
DNUsernameComponent = CN
* Install kojira
ProxyDNs = "/C=CA/ST=Ontario/O=Seneca CDOT/OU=/CN=kojiweb/emailAddress="
* Required Configuration
* Optional Configuration
* Add the user entry for the kojira user
* Start Kojira
And in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/kojihub.conf uncomment the following lines:
<Location /kojihub>
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
4.Using [ the Koji certificates]
'''release 0.3-2'''
,and add the following lines to ‘/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf’, under the section ‘VirtualHost _default_:443′:
'''2. Test kojiweb'''
SSLCertificateFile      /etc/pki/koji/certs/kojihub.crt
* User account
SSLCertificateKeyFile  /etc/pki/koji/certs/kojihub.key
* Build packages
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt
SSLCACertificateFile    /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt
SSLVerifyClient        require
SSLVerifyDepth          10
5. SE Linux
In the IRAQ. In order to allow Apache to connect to the Postgresql database run the following command as root:
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1
6.A skeleton filesystem
To allow Koji to work, a skeleton filesystem needs to be created and the ownership
changed so Apache can write to it as required. The following commands were executed:
mkdir -p /mnt/koji/{packages,repos,work,scratch}
chown -R apache.apache /mnt/koji
Then edited the '/etc/koji.conf' file and changed the following lines:
  ;url of XMLRPC server
server =
;url of web interface
weburl =
;url of package download site
pkgurl =
;path to the koji top directory
topdir = /mnt/koji
;configuration for SSL athentication
;client certificate
cert = ~/.koji/client.crt
;certificate of the CA that issued the client certificate
ca = ~/.koji/clientca.crt
;certificate of the CA that issued the HTTP server certificate
serverca = ~/.koji/serverca.crt
7. Build accounts
The final step is the addition of the user and builder accounts.
First add the kojira account and grant repo privileges with the following command( this should be done before running kojira for the first time) :
su - kojiadmin
koji add-user kojira
koji grant-permission repo kojira
Then add as many builders as required using the following commands editing where required (this should also be done prior to running kojid on each host):
koji add-host arm-001-001 arm
koji add-host arm-001-002 arm
koji add-host arm-001-003 arm
So,Release 0.2-2 results here [ in my blog]
* Kojiweb configuration
Koji-web is a set of scripts that run in mod_python and use the Cheetah templating engine to provide an web interface to Koji.
koji-web exposes a lot of information and also provides a means for certain operations, such as cancelling builds.
Run the following command as root:
root@localhost$ yum install koji-web mod_ssl
2. Edit the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/kojiweb.conf:
PythonOption KojiHubURL
PythonOption KojiWebURL
PythonOption KojiPackagesURL
PythonOption WebCert /etc/pki/koji/kojiweb.pem
PythonOption ClientCA /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt
PythonOption KojiHubCA /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt
PythonOption LoginTimeout 72
PythonOption Secret CHANGE_ME
3. Optional Configuration
If using Kerberos, these settings need to be valid and inline with other services configurations.
<pre><Location /koji/login>
AuthType Kerberos
AuthName "Koji Web UI"
KrbMethodNegotiate on
KrbMethodK5Passwd off
KrbServiceName HTTP
Krb5Keytab /etc/httpd.keytab
KrbSaveCredentials off
Require valid-user
ErrorDocument 401 /koji-static/errors/unauthorized.html
If using SSL auth, these settings need to be valid and inline with other services configurations.
<pre><Location /koji/login>
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf: Add the needed SSL options for apache.
<pre>SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 10</pre>
If you are using SSL authentication, the "PythonOption WebCert" file above must contain both the public and private key.
Web interface now operational
At this point you should be able to point your web browser at the kojiweb URL and be presented with the koji interface.  Many operations should work in read only mode at this point, and any configured users should be able to log in.
== Project Plan ==
Goals for each release:
* 0.1 - '''Koji Certificates '''
      Koji Hub setup - Certificates/security
* 0.2 - '''Koji Database with PostgreSQL'''
        To insert user permision to SQL server     
      To setup PostgreSQL for use with Koji
* 0.3 - '''Koji Web'''
      To setup Koji web and Hub
== Project News ==
== Project News ==
Line 314: Line 151:
19,November I set up Koji Database.
19,November I set up Koji Database.
26,November I set up Koji hub Configuration
26,November Setting up Postgresql server for Koji part 1
6,Dec Setting up Postgresql server for Koji part two
6,Dec Setting up Postgresql server for Koji part two
16,Dev setting up Koji hub and Koji web,
== Resources ==
== Resources ==
Line 328: Line 167:
[ PostgreSQL_Server]
[ PostgreSQL_Server]
[ importing packages and preparing Koji to run builds]
[ External Repos and preparing Koji to run builds]

Latest revision as of 09:17, 13 January 2011

Project Name

Fedora-ARM Dogfood -Koji Hub

Project Description

The Fedora-ARM koji system uese IRAQ,an x86_64 system, as the Koji hub.

The Fedora-ARM project to use ARM system as the Koji hub(this is called "Eating own dogfood" in the industry)

The project involves configuring the OpenRD-Client system as koji hub.

The Fedora ARM Koji system is running. It is currently building F13 under the supervision of Whalen and Chris Tyler. Koji have 22 hardware ARM builders. I am in the progress of building Fedora 13 under IRAQ.

Project Leader(s)

Project Contributor(s)

No one contributed to this project

Project Details

Setting Up a Koji Build System

The Koji components may live on separate resources as long as all resources are able to communicate. To understand koji configuration is an important in project.

KOJI Configuration

  • SSL and authentication via certificates
  • Creating a database in PostgreSQL and importing a schema
  • Working with psql
  • Apache configuration
  • Koji web and Koji hub


On the server (koji-hub/koji-web)

  • httpd
  • mod_ssl
  • postgresql-server
  • mod_python (>= 3.3.1 for Kerberos authentication)

On the builder (koji-builder)

  • mock
  • rpm-build
  • createrepo

On the yum repository creation and maintenance (kojira)

On the Bootrapping the Koji build environment

  • Importing packages and preparing Koji to run builds
  • External Repos and preparing Koji to run builds

Project Plan

Goals for each release:

release 0.1 - Koji Certificates

setting up SSL Certificates for Authentication

  • Certificate generation
  • Generate CA
  • Generate the koji component certificates and the admin certificate
  • Copy certificates into ~/.koji for kojiadmin

release 0.2 - PostgreSQL and koji hub

release 0.2-1

1.PostgreSQL Server

  • Install PostgreSQL
  • Initialize PostgreSQL DB
  • Setup User Accounts
  • Setup PostgreSQL and populate schema
  • Authorize Koji-web and Koji-hub resources
  • Make auth changes live
  • SSL Certificate authentication
  • Give yourself admin permissions

release 0.2-2

2.Koji hub

  • Install koji-hub
  • Required Configuration
  • Optional Configuration
  • SELinux Configuration
  • Koji filesystem skeleton

  • 0.3 - Koji Web

release 0.3-1

1. kojiweb

  • Install Koji-Web
  • Required Configuration
  • Optional Configuration

2. Koji Builder

  • Install kojid
  • Required Configuration
  • Optional Configuration (SSL certificates)
  • Add the host entry for the koji builder to the database
  • Add the host to the createrepo channel
  • A note on capacity
  • Start Kojid


  • Install kojira
  • Required Configuration
  • Optional Configuration
  • Add the user entry for the kojira user
  • Start Kojira

release 0.3-2

2. Test kojiweb

  • User account
  • Build packages

Project News

1,November I will do Project Plan 0.1- I set up Koji Certificates

5,November I did build and create Koji Certifacation on IRAQ server.

19,November I set up Koji Database.

26,November Setting up Postgresql server for Koji part 1

6,Dec Setting up Postgresql server for Koji part two

16,Dev setting up Koji hub and Koji web,
