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<big><big>Object Oriented Programming II Using C++</big></big>
<big><big>Object Oriented Programming II Using C++</big></big> with introduction to open source
{{OOP344 Index - 20101}}
[[OOP344]] - [[OOP344 Student List | Student List]] - [[OOP344 Teams | Teams]] - [[OOP344 Project | Project]] - [[OOP344 IRC Schedules | IRC Schedules]] - [[OOP344 Student Resources | Student Resources]]<br />
Please help make this page resourceful for all OOP344 students to use!
Please help make this page resourceful for all OOP344 students to use!
= OOP344 -- Object Oriented Programming II Using C++ =
= OOP344 -- Object Oriented Programming II Using C++=
==[https://scs.senecac.on.ca/course/oop344 Subject Description and Course Outcomes]==
== [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/course/oop344 Subject Description and Course Outcomes] ==
* Please visit the [https://scs.senecac.on.ca School Of Computer Studies] website for the [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/course/oop344 detailed description] of the subject
* Please visit the [https://scs.senecac.on.ca School Of Computer Studies] website for the [https://scs.senecac.on.ca/course/oop344 detailed description] of the subject
== The Project (under construction)==
== The Project (under construction) ==
The project for this semester is a multiplatform text based, Text Editor and is done using opensource concepts<br />
The project for this semester is a multiplatform text based, Text Editor and is done using opensource concepts<br />
The project is divided into 2 main parts. The Basic Input Output Library, and Main Application
The project is divided into 2 main parts. The Basic Input Output Library, and Main Application
===Basic Input Output Library===
* C based multi-platform IO functions; (Majority of the code is provided by the prof).  
=== Basic Input Output Library ===
* C based multi-platform IO functions; (Majority of the code is provided by the prof).
* The Project is initiated on individual SVN accounts for each team
* The Project is initiated on individual SVN accounts for each team
* Each team member is to commit a section of the code and resolve possible conflicts.
* Each team member is to commit a section of the code and resolve possible conflicts.
===Main Applicaton===
=== Main Applicaton ===
This part will be done collaboratively in groups of 4 - 8 students under a simulated open source model
This part will be done collaboratively in groups of 4 - 8 students under a simulated open source model
* Basic Encapsulating Classes <br /> This part is written in C++ and encapsulates the '''''io''''' routines into classes
* Basic Encapsulating Classes <br /> This part is written in C++ and encapsulates the '''''io''''' routines into classes
* The Application<br />this part is written in C++ and uses the "Basic Encapsulating Classes" classes to do interact with the user.
* The Application<br />this part is written in C++ and uses the "Basic Encapsulating Classes" classes to do interact with the user.
== Grading ==
* Tests
**Test 1    10%
** Test 1    10%
**Test 2    10%
** Test 2    10%
**Quizzes  10%
** Quizzes  10%
* Project
**IO Library 3%
** IO Library 3%
**Application  17%
** Application  17%
**Contribution 10%
** Contribution 10%
*Final Exam 40%
* Final Exam 40%
== Resources ==
* Class notes can be found here: svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344
* Class notes can be found here: svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_edit_a_page How To edit Wiki pages]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_edit_a_page How To edit Wiki pages]
*[http://subversion.tigris.org/ Subversion (SVN)]
* [http://subversion.tigris.org/ Subversion (SVN)]
*[http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ SVN book at red-bean.com] or download [https://cs.senecac.on.ca/~fardad.soleimanloo/oop344/notes/svn-book.pdf the PDF from here].
* [http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads Download Page of TortoiseSVN]
*Mac Lab Available in 2108 as well as in the Computing Commons*
* [http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ SVN book at red-bean.com] or download [https://cs.senecac.on.ca/~fardad.soleimanloo/oop344/notes/svn-book.pdf the PDF from here].
* Mac Lab Available in 2108 as well as in the Computing Commons*
* [http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/OOP344_Student_Resources#Create_an_IRC_account_and_login_.28in_Windows.29 Create an IRC account and login (in Windows)]
* [http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/OOP344_Student_Resources#Create_an_IRC_account_and_login_.28in_Windows.29 Create an IRC account and login (in Windows)]
* [http://irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html IRC Tutorial]
== Examples ==
== Archives ==
[https://cs.senecac.on.ca/~fardad.soleimanloo/oop344/notes/OLD/ Class notes, samples, tests, ... 2001 -> 2009]<br />
[https://cs.senecac.on.ca/~fardad.soleimanloo/oop344/notes/OLD/ Class notes, samples, tests, ... 2001 -> 2009]<br />
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= OOP344 -- Weekly Schedule =
= OOP344 -- Weekly Schedule =
==Week 1 - Jan 10==
===This Week===
*Introduction to Open Source development.
*Collaboration Tools:
**Code Repository
*144/244 review
===To Do===  
== Week 1 - Jan 10 ==
=== This Week ===
* Introduction to Open Source development.
* Collaboration Tools:
** Wiki
** Blog
** IRC
** Code Repository
* 144/244 review
=== To Do ===
Due date: Jan 12, 2010 , 23:59 (11:59pm)
Due date: Jan 12, 2010 , 23:59 (11:59pm)
* Add your name to the [[OOP344 Student List]]
* Add your name to the [[OOP344 Student List]]
* Join the IRC by [http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode registering your nickname on freenode] server and joining the #Seneca channel<br />Additional channels of interest:
* Join the IRC by [http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode registering your nickname on freenode] server and joining the #Seneca channel<br />Additional channels of interest:
Line 78: Line 87:
* Download [http://subversion.tigris.org/ SVN] and check out the OOP344 repo(svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344) to get the notes done in class
* Download [http://subversion.tigris.org/ SVN] and check out the OOP344 repo(svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344) to get the notes done in class
=== Resources ===
* A quick tutorial for SVN: [http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~comp314/svn.html Source Control in Ten Minutes]
* A quick tutorial for SVN: [http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~comp314/svn.html Source Control in Ten Minutes]
Line 85: Line 94:
* [http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/RabbitVCS RabbitVCS - Linux alternative to TortoiseSVN]
* [http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/RabbitVCS RabbitVCS - Linux alternative to TortoiseSVN]
==Week 2 - Jan 17==
== Week 2 - Jan 17 ==
=== This Week ===
===This Week===
* Assessment Quiz on ipc144 and oop244
* Assessment Quiz on ipc144 and oop244
* C, a closer look to:
* C, a closer look to:
define, include, macros, operators, statement evaluation, return value of main, return value of printf and scanf, Conditional Compilation  
define, include, macros, operators, statement evaluation, return value of main, return value of printf and scanf, Conditional Compilation
* Starting the IO Library
* Starting the IO Library
===To Do===
=== To Do ===
* Make sure all your information on last week's '''To Do''' is up to date
* Make sure all your information on last week's '''To Do''' is up to date
* Finalize your teams
* Finalize your teams
Line 100: Line 113:
** Coding rules are things like, tab size, indentation size, etc...
** Coding rules are things like, tab size, indentation size, etc...
=== Resources ===
* Explains pointers and how memory is stored.... [http://augustcouncil.com/~tgibson/tutorial/ptr.html C/C++ - Memory and Pointers]
* Explains pointers and how memory is stored.... [http://augustcouncil.com/~tgibson/tutorial/ptr.html C/C++ - Memory and Pointers]
==Week 3 - Jan 24==
== Week 3 - Jan 24 ==
==Week 4 - Jan 31==
==Week 5 - Feb 7==
=== This Week ===
* #define and conditional compilation
* Starting the Basic Input Output Functions
* Assigning SVN Accounts to teams
=== To Do ===
* Checkout the repository from trunk and test compile it on different platforms
* Branch the trunk into a branch under your SenecaID in branches
** Checkout your own branch and start working on your part of the assignment
** After each accomplishment in your own branch, modify the code in trunk and commit the code
** Make sure the code committed to trunk is ALWAYS at compiled state with no warnings or errors.
=== Challenge ===
Without use of any library functions (use only the BIOF functions) create a function called:
void bio_putint(int val)
This function should print the integer at where the cursor is on the screen.
The first two blogs with the correct answer will get 5% bonus for the first test.
The next two blogs optimizing the code of the first two blogs will get 5% bonus for the first test too.
=== Resources ===
== Week 4 - Jan 31 ==
=== This Week ===
* SVN review
* Multi dimension arrays
* void pointers
* pointer to function
=== To Do ===
* Blog
* Update your wiki student list page
* Divide the assignment into small tasks and assign it to team members
=== Resources ===
== Week 5 - Feb 7 ==
=== This Week ===
* pointer to function
* sizeof
** sizeof structures
* typedef
* union
* control flow
** break, only in switch
** continue :-(
** goto -:(
* joining expressions
* conditional expression  (x = a>b?c:d)
=== To Do ===
=== Resources ===
== Week 6 - Feb 14 ==
=== This Week ===
* Declaration Modifiers
** const
** auto
** extern
* Real Syntax of main
* Variable Argument list
=== To Do ===
==== Challenge ====
Write the printf function but call it MyPrint.
It should support
* %c  (character)
* %s  (string)
* %d  (integer)
* %X or %x (integer printed in Hex)
* %f  (double or float no formating, always printed with 2 digit after decimal point)
MyPrint("int %d, char %c, string %s, hex %x, float %f", 2, 'A', "hello", 16, 12.34567);
int 2, char A, string hello, hex 10, 12.34
=== Resources ===
== Week 7 - Feb 21 ==
=== This Week ===
* Thursday 23:59: BIOL due.
** Create a branch in tags called BIOL_1.0 and have the final BIOL compiled and tested with released tested program and then commit it to the BIOL_1.0 branch.
** Note that there could be many other tags of BIOL to record your development milestones, but I only mark the highest release not less than 1.0.
=== To Do ===
=== Resources ===
== Week 8- Feb 28  Study Week ==
=== This Week ===
=== To Do ===
=== Resources ===
== Week 9 - Mar 7 ==
=== This Week ===
* Monday Test One. All that you have learnt from ipc144 to this point on C language only.
=== To Do ===
=== Resources ===
== Week 10 - Mar 14 ==
=== This Week ===
* Sunday 11:59 Project 0.5 due.
** create a PRJ_0.5 branch of a tested and compiled trunk
** PRJ_0.5 should a be working project with almost 50% of the functionalities finalized
** Note that you may have many other branches in the tag to record your milestones, but the one I mark will be the highest tag NOT less than PRJ_0.5
=== To Do ===
=== Resources ===
== Week 11 - Mar 21 ==
=== This Week ===
=== To Do ===
=== Resources ===
==Week 6 - Feb 14==
== Week 12 - Mar 28 ==
=== This Week ===
==Week 7 - Feb 21==
=== To Do ===
==Week 8- Feb 28  Study Week==
=== Resources ===
==Week 9 - Mar 7==
== Week 13 - Apr 4 ==
=== This Week ===
* Test 2; everything from ipc144 to now about C and C++ language.
* Sunday 11:59, Prj_1.0 is due.
==Week 10 - Mar 14==
=== To Do ===
==Week 11 - Mar 21==
=== Resources ===
==Week 12 - Mar 28==
== Week 14 - Apr 11 ==
=== This Week ===
==Week 13 - Apr 4==
=== To Do ===
==Week 14 - Apr 11==
=== Resources ===
==Exam Week - Apr 18==
== Exam Week - Apr 18 ==
* Exam April 20th, 14:00 (2 PM) Room T4040

Latest revision as of 11:03, 12 May 2010

Object Oriented Programming II Using C++ with introduction to open source
OOP344 - 20101 - Student List - Teams - Project - IRC Schedules - Student Resources

Please help make this page resourceful for all OOP344 students to use!

OOP344 -- Object Oriented Programming II Using C++

Subject Description and Course Outcomes

The Project (under construction)

The project for this semester is a multiplatform text based, Text Editor and is done using opensource concepts

The project is divided into 2 main parts. The Basic Input Output Library, and Main Application

Basic Input Output Library

  • C based multi-platform IO functions; (Majority of the code is provided by the prof).
  • The Project is initiated on individual SVN accounts for each team
  • Each team member is to commit a section of the code and resolve possible conflicts.

Main Applicaton

This part will be done collaboratively in groups of 4 - 8 students under a simulated open source model

  • Basic Encapsulating Classes
    This part is written in C++ and encapsulates the io routines into classes
  • The Application
    this part is written in C++ and uses the "Basic Encapsulating Classes" classes to do interact with the user.


  • Tests
    • Test 1 10%
    • Test 2 10%
    • Quizzes 10%
  • Project
    • IO Library 3%
    • Application 17%
    • Contribution 10%
  • Final Exam 40%





Class notes, samples, tests, ... 2001 -> 2009
checkout svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344/tags for all the notes since 2001
OOP344 20093

OOP344 -- Weekly Schedule

Week 1 - Jan 10

This Week

  • Introduction to Open Source development.
  • Collaboration Tools:
    • Wiki
    • Blog
    • IRC
    • Code Repository
  • 144/244 review

To Do

Due date: Jan 12, 2010 , 23:59 (11:59pm)


Week 2 - Jan 17

This Week

  • Assessment Quiz on ipc144 and oop244
  • C, a closer look to:

define, include, macros, operators, statement evaluation, return value of main, return value of printf and scanf, Conditional Compilation

  • Starting the IO Library

To Do

  • Make sure all your information on last week's To Do is up to date
  • Finalize your teams
  • Book your first IRC meeting with Fardad on #seneca-oop344 (Remember, for the first meeting all team members should be present)
  • Add Coding Rules to your team page and follow it in your project
    • Coding rules are things like, tab size, indentation size, etc...


Week 3 - Jan 24

This Week

  • #define and conditional compilation
  • Starting the Basic Input Output Functions
  • Assigning SVN Accounts to teams

To Do

  • Checkout the repository from trunk and test compile it on different platforms
  • Branch the trunk into a branch under your SenecaID in branches
    • Checkout your own branch and start working on your part of the assignment
    • After each accomplishment in your own branch, modify the code in trunk and commit the code
    • Make sure the code committed to trunk is ALWAYS at compiled state with no warnings or errors.


Without use of any library functions (use only the BIOF functions) create a function called:

void bio_putint(int val)

This function should print the integer at where the cursor is on the screen. The first two blogs with the correct answer will get 5% bonus for the first test. The next two blogs optimizing the code of the first two blogs will get 5% bonus for the first test too.


Week 4 - Jan 31

This Week

  • SVN review
  • Multi dimension arrays
  • void pointers
  • pointer to function

To Do

  • Blog
  • Update your wiki student list page
  • Divide the assignment into small tasks and assign it to team members


Week 5 - Feb 7

This Week

  • pointer to function
  • sizeof
    • sizeof structures
  • typedef
  • union
  • control flow
    • break, only in switch
    • continue :-(
    • goto -:(
  • joining expressions
  • conditional expression (x = a>b?c:d)

To Do


Week 6 - Feb 14

This Week

  • Declaration Modifiers
    • const
    • auto
    • extern
  • Real Syntax of main
  • Variable Argument list

To Do


Write the printf function but call it MyPrint. It should support

  •  %c (character)
  •  %s (string)
  •  %d (integer)
  •  %X or %x (integer printed in Hex)
  •  %f (double or float no formating, always printed with 2 digit after decimal point)
MyPrint("int %d, char %c, string %s, hex %x, float %f", 2, 'A', "hello", 16, 12.34567);
int 2, char A, string hello, hex 10, 12.34


Week 7 - Feb 21

This Week

  • Thursday 23:59: BIOL due.
    • Create a branch in tags called BIOL_1.0 and have the final BIOL compiled and tested with released tested program and then commit it to the BIOL_1.0 branch.
    • Note that there could be many other tags of BIOL to record your development milestones, but I only mark the highest release not less than 1.0.

To Do


Week 8- Feb 28 Study Week

This Week

To Do


Week 9 - Mar 7

This Week

  • Monday Test One. All that you have learnt from ipc144 to this point on C language only.

To Do


Week 10 - Mar 14

This Week

  • Sunday 11:59 Project 0.5 due.
    • create a PRJ_0.5 branch of a tested and compiled trunk
    • PRJ_0.5 should a be working project with almost 50% of the functionalities finalized
    • Note that you may have many other branches in the tag to record your milestones, but the one I mark will be the highest tag NOT less than PRJ_0.5

To Do


Week 11 - Mar 21

This Week

To Do


Week 12 - Mar 28

This Week

To Do


Week 13 - Apr 4

This Week

  • Test 2; everything from ipc144 to now about C and C++ language.
  • Sunday 11:59, Prj_1.0 is due.

To Do


Week 14 - Apr 11

This Week

To Do


Exam Week - Apr 18

  • Exam April 20th, 14:00 (2 PM) Room T4040