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GAM531/DPS931 Weekly Schedule 20133

589 bytes added, 15:24, 30 September 2013
Week 5 - Sep 30
<big><big> Game Engine Foundations</big></big><br />
{{GAM531/DPS931 Index | 20133}}
= Weekly Schedule 2012320133 Student Notes=
== Week 1 - Sep 2 ==
=== This Week ===
<!--* []* [ Windows Programming]** Dialog Sample** Selection Sample-->
=== To Do ===
<!--# Download [ Visual Studio 2010] from ACS and install it on your local computer.# Download [ Tortoise SVN] and install it on your local computermicrosoft.# Download the Dialog and Selection Samples from the [svn:com/download/zenit.senecac.on.caen/dpsgam/trunk Course Repository]details. ''(userid: "dpsgam" password: blank [no passwordaspx?id=6812 DirectX SDK June 2010])''#* Run Dialog Sample#* Run Selection Sample-->
=== Resources ===
<!--* [ Download Page of TortoiseSVN]*[http://tortoisesvnmicrosoft.netcom/docsen-us/releasedirectx/TortoiseSVN_en/index.htmlTortoiseSVNTortoiseSVN DocumentationDirectX Developer Centre]-->at Microsoft
== Week 2 - Sep 9 ==
=== This Week ===
<!--* [ and API Design]* [ COM and DirectX]Switched from Github to BitBucket** The fwk4gps framework, its branches, and architectureCompleted Engine Architecture
** Singleton class as an alternative to global variables
** Including interfaces rather than class definitions to minimize header file dependenciesStarted Math -Linear Algebra ->Vectors
=== To Do ===
<!--# Download and install[ DirectX SDK June 2010]-->
=== Resources ===
<!--* [ GAM531 Emperor (BitBucket)]* Course Notes - [http DirectX Developer Centre2dmat.html Two Dimensional Math]at Microsoft-->
== Week 3 - Sep 16 ==
=== This Week ===
=== To Do ===
* lab 1
* lab 2
=== Resources ===
* Course Notes - [ Two Dimensional Math]
== Week 4 - Sep 23 ==
=== This Week ===
* Matrix Math
** Transforming Vectors
*** Rotations
**** cos &theta; sin &theta;
*** Scaling
** Identity
** Transpose
** Multiplication
*** by scalars
*** by vectors
*** by matrices
* Programming Matrices
** storing in arrays
*** row major order
*** 2-D arrays in C
** T& operator[](int);
** T& operator()(int, int);
=== To Do ===
* review C++ syntax
* lab 3
* select groups
=== Resources ===
* Course Notes - [ Two Dimensional Math - Matrices]
== Week 5 - Sep 30 ==
=== This Week ===
* 2D Matrix Math
** Translations
* 3D Math
** Coordinate Systems
** Transformations
*** Rotations
*** Scaling
*** Translations
* From the Scene to Screen
** World Transformation
** View Transformation
** Projection Transformation
** Viewport Transformation
=== To Do ===
* lab 4
=== Resources ===
* Course Notes - [ Two Dimensional Math]
* Course Notes - [ Three Dimensional Math]
* [ Display Modes]
=== To Do ===
* Lecture Material
== Week 5 - Sep 30 ==
=== This Week ===
<!--* [ Sprites under User Control]
** user action-key mapping
** Matrix Transformations
=== To Do ===
<!--# Add a background image to the ShadesOfRed sample
# Add a sprite in motion to the ShadesOfRed sample
# Work on your game proposal and schedule your team's appointment with your instructor ([ here to book an appointment])
=== Resources ===
* Lecture Material
=== This Week ===
* [ COM and DirectX]
** The fwk4gps framework, its branches, and architecture
** Including interfaces rather than class definitions to minimize header file dependencies
* [ 3D Mathematics]
** Coordinate Systems