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SBR600 Potential Projects

978 bytes added, 11:41, 25 September 2013
Infrastructure Projects
* Quick2wire python library
There are a number of See the [ Pidora Bug Tracker] for ideas for other package requests packages that people want included in the Pidora bug tracking system.
Skills required: packaging
Expected result: A working, Pidora-compatible package that has gone through package review
== Clean Up the Pidora Kickstart File ==
The Pidora images are composed using a kickstart-based process. The kickstart file could be cleaned up for better readability and smallest-functional package selection.
Recent (but not necessarily latest) kickstart:
Skills required: packaging, composing
Maximum number of participants: 1
Expeccted result: A clean kickstart file for Pidora 19
= Infrastructure Projects =
Maximum number of participants: 3
Expected result: A working Fedpkg repository, plus configuration files package packaged up in an RPM == Mirrorlist CGI Script == Yum uses a mirrorlist retrieved from a server to determine which mirrors to use for downloading packages. This mirrorlist can be generated by a script (e.g., to randomize or to optimize mirror selection), but at the present time a static file is just passed through to the yum client. Skills required: scripting, testing Maximum number of participants: 1 Expected result: An updated mirrorlist script

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