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3,836 bytes added, 08:57, 13 September 2013
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I am Peter Liu. I began teaching C, C++ and Java programming at the School of Computer Studies in September 1998. For my professional development, I want to find out how to teach and learn open source development. It is a privilege and honor for me to get ''immersed'' in the open source movement at Seneca. <br== [[MAP524/>DPS924]] ==
Jordan has graciously allowed me === Quotes ===* "My pledge is to go alongside with his '''Eclipse Web Tools Platform (Eclipse WTP)''' class (January-April 2009) such that the process; as long as I may have ''first-hand experience'' on open-source development. I am excited about immersing myself in this culture of ''being open'' in fixing bugs. As suggested by Jordanthe resources at my disposal, I am going will seek to blog what I have experienced in this community as if I were a reporter on raise the field. What I have experienced bar for the last two weeks has already affected how I teach JAC444 and BTP400 this semesterfuture generations of students of all ages. Indeed I am using wikis as a teaching and learning tool for the first time in my teaching career" (George Lucas) [ <br/>html]
Time flies. From May to August, Jordan has again graciously allowed me to take part in his second Eclipse WTP class. As far as I'm concerned, the students in his Winter 2009 class ''accomplished'' a lot. [] I'm looking forward to having another ''adventure'' with the Eclipse WTP student team. <br/>
Time flies again===My Brief Bio ===I am Peter Liu. I began teaching C, C++ and Java programming at the School of Computer Studies in September 1998. I am now involved with the a computer scientist by training and I love being an educator.[] My philosophy of education is that teaching and research complement each other. [] My professional interests are computer science education, [ open source software development], and geocomputing. I enjoy '''Eclipse Linux Toolsmentoring students''' projectto undertake independent study and applied research projects. As I am a result member of Andrew Overholt's visit to my Java classes [ ACM ] (JAC444Association of Computing Machinery) , [ SIGCSE] (Special Interest Group on March 9Computer Science Education), 2010and [ SIGSOFT] (Special Interest Group on Software Engineering). At leisure time, I have created enjoy doing photography and appreciating paintings. [[Learning Labs] Please visit my website for Eclipse Linux Tools]]more details. Even though the JAC444 classes will be over by the end of April, interested students can continue with the activities in the Learning Labs[https://scs. We will see how things are going to]
===My Adventure with Open Source Development at Seneca College===
For my professional development, I want to find out how to teach and learn open source development. It is a privilege and honor for me to get ''immersed'' in the open source movement at Seneca. From '''January - April 2009''', [[User:JAnastasiade | Jordan Anastasaide]] has graciously allowed me to go alongside with his '''Eclipse Web Tools Platform (Eclipse WTP)''' class such that I may have ''first-hand experience'' on open-source development. I am excited about immersing myself in this culture of ''being open'' in fixing bugs. As suggested by Jordan, I am going to [ blog] what I have experienced in this community as if I were a reporter on the field. What I have experienced for the last two weeks has already affected how I teach JAC444 and BTP400 this semester. Indeed I am using wikis as a teaching and learning tool for the first time in my teaching career... <br/>
'''Email address:''' The Thrill of Fixing a WTP Bug ===='''Website:''' [ http://cs.senecac.onI enjoyed the experience of fixing a WTP] '''Blog:''I' [ http://pliu.wordpressm glad to know that I have made a little bit of contribution to the the Eclipse WTP]
'''Bug #256185''' []
*** Bug 277839 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
==== More Surprises ====
Time flies. From '''May to August''', Jordan has again graciously allowed me to take part in his second Eclipse WTP class. As far as I'm concerned, the students in his Winter 2009 class ''have accomplished'' a lot within a course structure, bearing in mind that they started from zero. [] I'm looking forward to having another ''adventure'' with the Eclipse WTP student team. <br/>
Time flies again. I am now exploring the '''Eclipse Linux Tools''' project. After inviting Andrew Overholt (Red Hat) to speak to the students in my Java classes (JAC444) on '''March 9, 2010''', I have created [[Learning Labs for Eclipse Linux Tools]]. Even though the JAC444 classes will be over by the end of April, interested students can continue with the activities in the Learning Labs. We will see how things are going to unfold...
Beginning with '''January 2011''', I have become an active member on the [ NexJ Express project team] at Seneca College. I am looking forward to working along with a student to work on a sub-project called PostgreSQLAdapter. What's going to happen? We will see...
Beginning with '''September 2012''', I have become involved with the [ Mobile Medical Devices Integration project ], in partnership with NexJ Systems. Again, let's see what's going to happen...
'''Email address:'''
'''Website:''' []
'''Blog:''' []
=== My Applied Research Activities at CDOT ===
*[[My Applied Research Log]]
*[[Canadian Colleges and Applied Research]]
* Eclipse (ACM 2011 Software System Award) [][]
* Want to be a Good Researcher? Try Teaching (August 18, 2011) []
* Software design cannot be neglected (May 9, 2012) []
* Lost Programming Skills (IT World, August 05, 2011) [,0&source=ITWNLE_nlt_top10_2011-08-12]
* Researchers Create the First GPS for the Blind []
* 10 Highly Valued Soft Skills for IT Pros (2012) []
* Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) []
'''Interesting Links'''
* Open source can innovate even beyond software (August 01, 2011) []
*App developers could make better use of open source: Black Duck (ComputerWorld Canada, 7 April 2009) []
*Seneca Update by Russell Pangborn (Toronto Users Group for Power Systems, May 2009) []
*Teaching Open Source [] <br/>
*Fining Finding Your Way Through The Code (Wayne Beaton)[]
*Summer Projects for Students (Wayne Beaton) []

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