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Ystallonne Weekly log 20132

6,523 bytes added, 17:01, 29 August 2013
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{{BBB Log Index | 20132}}
=Logs for 20132=
[http://blogurl Blog]
Please add the daily logs (Latest week at the top of the page)
==Week of August 26<sup>th</sup> ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
! Week Day !! Today's work !! Blog URL
| Monday ||
* Date Picker responsive interaction with select boxes was implemented.
[ Link]
| Tuesday ||
* Date Picker component was completed.
[ Link]
| Wednesday ||
* Integration of all UI components working on the same page was accomplished.
[ Link]
| Thursday ||
* Arrow keys were added to data table component, cursor interaction was standardized, text was modified to render more accurately in different browsers.
[ Link]
| Friday ||
[ Link]
==Week of August 19<sup>th</sup> ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
! Week Day !! Today's work !! Blog URL
| Monday ||
* (Translation of the Webmaker site)
[ Link]
| Tuesday ||
* (Translation of the Webmaker site)
[ Link]
| Wednesday ||
* (Translation of the Webmaker site - Review)
[ Link]
| Thursday ||
* (Translation of the Webmaker site - Review)
[ Link]
| Friday ||
* Date selection was coded to be according to changes in month and year, including cases for leap years
[ Link]
==Week of August 12<sup>th</sup> ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
! Week Day !! Today's work !! Blog URL
| Monday ||
* Checkboxes were modified in order to be read when submitting forms using JSP
[ Link]
| Tuesday ||
* Index and settings pages were updated.
[ Link]
| Wednesday ||
[ Link]
| Thursday ||
* Accessibility features were implemented to selectbox
[ Link]
| Friday ||
* Accessible selectbox was incorporated to the pages
[ Link]
==Week of June 17August 5<sup>th</sup> == {| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"|-! Week Day !! Today's work !! Blog URL|-| Monday ||* National Holiday||[ Link]|-| Tuesday ||* Bug fixes with schedule options, and search box was implemented.||[ Link]|-| Wednesday ||* Fixed bugs in selectbox component.||[ Link]|-| Thursday ||* Implementing datepicker.||[ Link]|-| Friday ||* Trying to fix bugs on date picker component.||[ Link]|}   ==Week of July 29<sup>th</sup> == {| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"|-! Week Day !! Today's work !! Blog URL|-| Monday ||* Added new elements to Create Event page. More accessibility improvements implemented.||[ Link]|-| Tuesday ||* Schedule options flow was redesigned to consider database effectiveness.||[ Link]|-| Wednesday ||* CSS code improved. Table icons were redesigned. Interactivity regarding table icons were implemented.||[ Link]|-| Thursday ||* Keyboard functionally were included for interacting with the selectbox component.||[ Link]|-| Friday ||* Schedule options flow was partially recoded to consider changes in the selectbox behavior.||[ Link]|}   ==Week of July 22<sup>nd</sup> ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
| Monday ||
* All written use cases specifications were reviewed for final deliveryEvent creation flow implemented with jQuery.
[ Link]
| Tuesday ||
* Comments were added to the code. Modification in the select component. Schedule options flow finished.
[ Link]
| Wednesday ||
* Settings page was designed, pages were modified to include new select component. Pages had tab indexation organized.
[ Link]
| Thursday ||
* Checkbox component was made accessible in all major browsers. Select component is being modified to be accessible.
[ Link]
| Friday ||
* Working on making the select component accessible in all major browsers.
[ Link]
==Week of July 15<sup>th</sup> ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
! Week Day !! Today's work !! Blog URL
| Monday ||
* Bugs with jQuery were fixed, and code was refined. Software installations.
[ Link]
| Tuesday ||
* BlackBerry Jam Camp.
[ Link]
| Wednesday ||
* BlackBerry Jam Camp.
[ Link]
| Thursday ||
* Navigation is properly working with feedback incorporated. Table style improved.
[ Link]
| Friday ||
* Styling items in the table component.
[ Link]
==Week of July 8<sup>th</sup> ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
! Week Day !! Today's work !! Blog URL
| Monday ||
* Designing checkbox and refining other designed components using HTML5 and CSS3.
[ Link]
| Tuesday ||
* Cleaning and improving the generated HTML5 and CSS3 code.
[ Link]
| Wednesday ||
* Making designed components accessible using HTML5 and CSS3.
[ Link]
| Thursday ||
* Styling designed table component and creating icons and additional elements for it using HTML5 and CSS3 regarding the designed interface and layout.
[ Link]
| Friday ||
* Styling items in the table component. New work environment setup.
[ Link]
==Week of July 1<sup>st</sup> ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
! Week Day !! Today's work !! Blog URL
| Monday ||
- Canada's Day -
[ Link]
| Tuesday ||
* Coding the layout using HTML5 and CSS3 regarding the designed interface.
[ Link]
| Wednesday ||
* Designing components using HTML5 and CSS3 regarding the designed interface and layout.
[ Link]
| Thursday ||
* Designing a selectbox component using HTML5 and CSS3 regarding the designed interface and layout.
[ Link]
| Friday ||
* Refining the design of the table component regarding the designed interface and layout.
[ Link]
==Week of June 24<sup>th</sup> ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
! Week Day !! Today's work !! Blog URL
| Monday ||
* Started designing a layout for the interface.
[ Link]
| Tuesday ||
* Improvements on the interface design.
[ Link]
| Wednesday ||
* Components that comprise the GUI were designed.
[ Link]
| Thursday ||
* A table component was designed matching the interface design, and some minor changes were made.
[ Link]
| Friday ||
* Started coding the interface using HTML5 and CSS3 regarding the designed layout.
[ Link]
==Week of June 17<sup>th</sup> ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
! Week Day !! Today's work !! Blog URL
| Monday ||
* All written use cases specifications were reviewed for final delivery.
[ Link]
| Tuesday ||
* Other team members' use cases specifications were reviewed for final delivery.
[ Link]
| Wednesday ||
* Generating Class Diagram to relate object entities and database tables.
[ Link]
| Thursday ||
* More methods and respective parameters were added to the Class Diagram.
[ Link]
| Friday ||
* Improving Class Diagram, Database Model, and Use Case Diagram.
[ Link]
| Thursday ||
* “Manage Meetings” user use case specification was written (at this point, activities involving coding were temporarily paused in order to have all use cases specifications written).
* Use cases specifications were assigned to team members for writing them.
[ Link]
==Week of June 3<sup>rd</sup> ==
* Implications from the new database version were implemented in the prototype’s index page.
* Security measures for protecting user’s info user information are in progress.
* New class called '''' was included with methods for creating and validating hashes (necessary improvements to this class are likewise in progress).