! # !! Members !! Infomercial topic !! Progress report
| 0 || Example1, Example2 || SampleProject1 || 9 Mar'''11 Jul. Done.'''
| 1 || Justin, Natesh, Ivan || TBD BigBlueButton || TBD'''9 Jul. Done.'''|-| 2 || Anatoly Spektor || Aperture || '''11 Jul. Done.'''|-| 3 || Daniel, Kalid || || '''11 Jul. Done.'''|-| 6 || Yohanes, Chaobo, Zain || Windows 8 || '''11 Jul. Done.'''|-| 7 || Zakeria || || 11 Jul.|-| 8 || Kajanthan || Eclipse || '''11 Jul. Done.'''|-| 9 || Stephanie, Sezar || Star Dust || '''11 Jul. Done.'''
Look back on what you've done in the Video lab and convert your video into those formats so that it will play in Firefox and Chrome and IE. You will probably also have to change settings when you do the conversion to make the size of the videos smaller. The videos must be streamable on a typical residential 5Mbps connection, so calculate what that means in terms of a maximum size for your video.
= Website Webpage =Same as for assignment 1 - you will need to find a template for your page so that the result looks professional. Don't forget to set the titles correctly and remove links that you aren't using. On the index page you should have: # The team number and all the team members' names.# A list of the equipment you used.# Where you got the website template.# Links to any code samples written by someone else that you used in the assignment. You may use online resources or Chris's demo code [https://chrisdecairos.ca/wp-content/uploads/MakingPopcorn.tar.gz from here], but you have to be very clear which code you didn't write yourself or else it's plagiarism. On the video page there will be a title, the name of the product, a short description, and two main components: The video itself, in an HTML5 video tag. Have the controls showing but don't start playing it automatically. Remember this has to work in multiple browsers.Next to it (probably to the right, though I'll leave that detail to you, as long as it works it's good) you'll need a "Content" area, where you'll show some extra promotional material. == Popcorn.js Content == This will contain extra stuff to encourage the viewer to buy whatever you're selling. To keep it simple just have a statement like "16221 of these have been sold already! Hurry up and order yours before the promotion ends!" Where the number can come from http://matrix.senecac.on.ca/~andrew.smith/multimedia/count.php or you can write your own. The content area should be blank before the video playback is started and after it ends.
= Submission =
== Progress Report ==
On thursday in week 10 (the week before the assignment is due) your entire team has to meet with me and show the status of the project. Not a standup presentation, but just a chat to make sure you're on track to completing everything on time.
Most importantly:
* What are you going to be selling, and why did you choose that?
* What equipment you used / will use, and where you got it from.
* Your script or whatever form of plan you used or will use for the infomercial, including the setup and location.
* Whether you had any issues doing the recording. If you haven't done the final recording yet - why not and have you at least tried a test run?
* Show me the raw recording you've made.
* Tell me your plan for doing the editing.
* Let me know if there are any team problems (MIA members, etc).
This progress report will be worth 20% of the assignment.
== Final Submission ==
Test your project in Firefox and Internet explorer. Since we don't have a place to host such large files - you'll have to submit the assignment on a CD or DVD. It will contain:
* Your webpage, fully working.
* Your script, or if you don't have one - a quick explanation of how you managed without it.
* The original, unmodified videos, inside a folder called "raw".
Please write "BTC640/PRO608 Asg 2 Team X" (replace X with your team number) on the disk. And test it!
Put the disk (in an envelope so it can be timestamped) in the dropbox at reception at the CS office.