→Scenario 2: Change email address
=='''Scenario 1:''' Change user nickname==
| 2 || Enters a new nickname in the nickname field and clicks the "Submit" button || Validates the data entered against predefined rules, display an error message if nickname entered not valid ||
| End of Loop || Until the nickname enters is valid || Change user nickname in database, displays a success message on screen, still displays the "user SetttingsUser Settings" page || bu_id (bbb_user)<br />bu_nick (bbb_user)
| 3 || Clicks on the link labeled "Back", usually located on the left panel of the webpage || Displays the site main page (calender.jsp) ||
* Actor's nickname changed in database
* Data in system is updated
* The system now displays the main site page (calender.jsp)
=='''Scenario 2:''' Change email address==
* The actor is logged into the system
* The actor is currently viewing a system page with link to "User Settings" page
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="5"
! Step# !! Actor !! System !! Data Used
| 1 || Clicks the link to "User Settings" page, usually located on the left panel of the webpage || Displays the "User Settings" page (settings.jsp) that includes an empty field to enter a new email ||
| Loop || || ||
| 2 || Enters a new email address in the email field and clicks the "Submit" button || Validates the data entered against predefined rules, display an error message if email address entered not valid ||
| End of Loop || Until the email address enters is valid || Change non-ldap user email in database, displays a success message on screen, still displays the "Sser Settings" page || bu_id (non_ldap_user)<br />nu_email (non_ldap_user)
| 3 || Clicks on the link labeled "Back", usually located on the left panel of the webpage || Displays the site main page (calender.jsp) ||
'''Successful Post Conditions:'''
* Actor's email changed in database
* Data in system is updated
* The system now displays the main site page (calender.jsp)