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== Week 2 - Jan 13 ==
== Week 2 - Jan 13 ==
=== This Week 2 ===
=== This Week 2 ===
* Real Signature of main()
* Git Quick review
*: clone, pull, push
*: branch, add, commit
* Variable Argument list
=== To Do 2 ===
=== To Do 2 ===
* write command line programs to do  
* write 4 command line programs to do  
*# add num num<ENTER>
*# $ add num num<ENTER>
*# sub num num<ENTER>
*# $ sub num num<ENTER>
*# mul num num<ENTER>
*# $ mul num num<ENTER>
*# div num num<ENTER>
*# $ div num num<ENTER>
* write a program to show the content of an Operating system environment variable
*: $ prnenv path<ENTER>
*: The output will be either the "content" of path variable or "not found" if the environment variable does not exist.
=== blog posts 2 ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|+ Week 2 Exercises
! Title !! Author !! Comments
| http://wp.me/P2Tzoy-7 || ||
| [http://kelan-meta.blogspot.ca/ All Week 2 Programs] || [mailto:bli64@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 bli64] ||
| [http://peter-huang.blogspot.ca/2013/01/oop344-week2-command-line.html OOP344-Week2 - ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV] || [mailto:phuang19@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 phuang19] ||
| [http://peter-huang.blogspot.ca/2013/01/oop344-week2-environmental-variable.html OOP344-Week2 - Environmental Variable] || [mailto:phuang19@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 phuang19] ||
| [http://dldvorkin.blogspot.ca/ OOP344 How to start a new project in Visual Studio 2012] <br/> [http://www.noobiedev.com/oop344/how-to-start-a-new-project-in-visual-studio-2012-w-pictures/ OOP344 How to start a new project in Visual Studio 2012 (w/ PICTURES)] || [mailto:dldvorkin@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 dvorkin212] <br/> [mailto:fjzhou@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 fjzhou] ||
| [http://www.noobiedev.com/oop344/simple-command-line-programs-add-sub-mul-div/ Simple Command Line Programs - ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV] || [mailto:fjzhou@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 fjzhou] ||
|[http://www.noobiedev.com/oop344/c-command-line-program-to-show-environment-variable/ C++ - Command Line Program to Show Environment Variable] || [mailto:fjzhou@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 fjzhou] ||
|[http://byhwong.blogspot.ca/2013/01/oop344-week-2-environment-variable.html OOP344 Week 2 - Environment Variable Content Search Program] <br /> [http://byhwong.blogspot.ca/2013/01/oop344-week-2-addition-subtraction.html OOP344 Week 2 - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Programs] || [mailto:yhwong6@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 yhwong6] || clean blog - ken <br /> Ken, do you mean the the blog template is too plain? - Brian  <br /> Brain, No. I like it, very clean and nice. - Ken <br /> thank you - Brian
| [http://ooprules.blogspot.ca/2013/01/week2-proggies.html Week2 Proggies] ||  [mailto:strotsky@myseneca.ca strotsky] ||
| [http://garycc.blogspot.ca/2013/01/simple-commandline-program-to-add.html Week2 commandline programs] || [mailto:cchen116@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 cchen116] ||
| [http://theartofgoto.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/week-2-exercises/ Week 2 Exercises] || [mailto:bssnively@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344-W2Ex Benjamin Snively] ||
| [http://divya522.blogspot.ca/2013/01/command-line-programs-of-addition.html OOP344 Command Line Programs]||[mailto:dsharma37@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Divya Sharma]||
| [http://xin12.blogspot.ca/2013/01/argc-and-argv-simple-programs.html argc and argv simple programs] || [mailto:xli206@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Xin Li] ||
| [http://mynameishano.blogspot.ca/2013/01/two-simple-programs-from-oop344.html Two Simple Programs from OOP344] || [mailto:hko5@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Hanho Ko] ||
| [http://lhmcintosh.blogspot.ca/2013/01/week-2-cl-exercises.html Week 2 exercises]||[mailto:lhmcintosh@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Lucas McIntosh]||
| [http://hzhong10.blogspot.ca/2013/01/a-easy-copy-cmd-i-code.html A easy copy cmd]<br/>[http://hzhong10.blogspot.ca/2013/01/cmd-line-calculation-pgm.html week2 calculation program]||[mailto:hzhong10@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Hua Zhong]||
| [http://koghulan.wordpress.com/2013/01/22/13/ basic command line program] || [mailto:knamasivayam1@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Koghulan Namasivayam] ||
| [http://haiyuqiao.blogspot.ca/2013/01/oop344-exercise-week2-1.html  Week2-Exercise:{ADD/SUB/MUL/DIV},pnenvr path] || [mailto:hqiao3@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Haiyu Qiao] ||
|[http://vivek5255.blogspot.ca/ week2 programs]  ||  [mailto:vrpatel13@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 vrpatel13] ||
| [http://pankajsama01.blogspot.ca/2013/01/oop344-week-2-exercises.html OOP344 Week-2 Programs] ||[mailto:psama@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Pankaj Sama] ||
| [http://oop344ed.wordpress.com/2013/02/01/a-simple-c-program-for-basic-math/ A Simple C++ Program for Basic Math] ||[mailto:edokic@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Erik Dokic] ||
| [http://oop344ed.wordpress.com/2013/02/02/this-program-prints-the-content-of-a-specified-os-environment-variable/ This Program Prints the Content of a Specified OS Environment Variable] ||[mailto:edokic@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Erik Dokic] ||
|[http://oop344ed.wordpress.com/2013/02/02/the-strncat-function-concatenates-any-number-of-strings-passed-to-it/ The strNcat Function Concatenates any Number of Strings Passed to It]  ||  [mailto:edokic@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Erik Dokic] ||
=== resources 2 ===
=== resources 2 ===
* Amazing article on how the work is done on a project using git branching. Read this and you will understand how it is done:[http://scottchacon.com/2011/08/31/github-flow.html Scott  Chacon' Github Flow ]
* Amazing article on how the work is done on a project using git branching. Read this and you will understand how it is done:[http://scottchacon.com/2011/08/31/github-flow.html Scott  Chacon' Github Flow ]
* http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging
* http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging
== Week 3 - Jan 20 ==
=== This Week 3 ===
* pointers
*: void pointers
* namespaces
* Default Argument Values
* Virtual review
* operator overload review
=== To Do 3 ===
* in Xmover program make sure X can NOT go to bottom/right corner
* Remove the if from console.display
* Write console.display in one line (excluding the variable declaration)
=== blog posts 3 ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|+ Week 3 Exercises
! Title !! Author !! Comments
|[http://www.noobiedev.com/oop344/xmover-preventing-it-from-going-to-a-new-line/ xMover - Preventing it from going to a new line] <br/> [http://www.noobiedev.com/oop344/fixed-xmover-preventing-it-from-going-to-a-new-line/ (Fixed) xMover - Preventing it from going to a new line]|| [mailto:fjzhou@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 fjzhou] || This code causes an infinite loop -Ken <br/> FIXED -Ken
|[http://garydeng.tumblr.com/  Remove the if from console.display ] || [mailto:xdeng7@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Gary] || That's a really interesting idea, I like it - Lucas
|[http://lhmcintosh.blogspot.ca/2013/01/week-3-to-dos.html Week 3 To Do] || [mailto:lhmcintosh@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Lucas] ||
|[http://kelan-meta.blogspot.ca/ Week 3 xmover and console.display] || [mailto:bli64@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Bo Li] ||
|[http://divya522.blogspot.ca/2013/01/xmover-program.html XMOVER PROGRAM] ||[mailto:dsharma37@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Divya] ||
|[http://pankajsama01.blogspot.ca/2013/01/oop344-week-3-to-do.html Week 3 To Do(Xmover, console.display)] || [mailto:psama@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Pankaj Sama] || Is there any other way to do xmover
|[http://hzhong10.blogspot.ca/2013/02/xmover-solution.html XMOVER solution]  <br/> [http://hzhong10.blogspot.ca/2013/02/display-function-solution.html one-line display solution]||[mailto:hzhong10@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Hua Zhong] ||
|[http://xin12.blogspot.ca/2013/02/xmover-and-display.html  Xmover and display()] || [mailto:xli206@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Xin]
|[http://weiwangweiwangoop344.blogspot.ca/2013/02/cdisplay-function.html cdisplay function() ] || [mailto:wwang125@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Wei] ||
|[http://garycc.blogspot.ca/2013/02/one-line-display-function.html display function()] || [mailto:cchen116@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 Chun] ||
|[http://oop344ed.wordpress.com/2013/03/04/private-class-members-not-so-private-after-all/ Private Class Members Not So Private After All] || [mailto:edokic@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 edokic] ||
=== Resources 3 ===
== Week 4 - Jan 27 ==
=== This Week 4 ===
* Virtuals Review
* Pure virtual methods
*: Abstract Base Classes
* Pointer to functions
* Operators
*: logical, arithmetic,
*: lazy evaluation
* typedef
=== To Do 4 ===
* Release 0.1 due on Tuesday Feb 5th 23:59
=== blog posts 4 ===
=== Resources 4 ===
== Week 5 - Feb 3 *==
* Git Review
*: preparing for the Application development
*: Issues, branching, push and pull, pull request
* Pointer to functions
*: Application
* Declaration Modifiers
*: Static, Const and Classes
* Lists
*: Dynamic Arrays
=== This Week 5===
=== To Do 5 ===
* Read the resource section for git and branching reveiw.
=== blog posts 5 ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|+ Week 5 Exercises
! Title !! Author !! Comments
|[http://byhwong.blogspot.ca/2013/03/dynamic-2d-integer-array.html Dynamic 2D integer Array] || [mailto:yhwong6@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Brian Wong] ||
=== Resources 5 ===
* Working On a Project using git branching. :[http://scottchacon.com/2011/08/31/github-flow.html Scott  Chacon' Github Flow ], '''''"How We Do it"''''' Section, is how we do it in oop344 too!!!!
* http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging
== Week 6 - Feb 10 ==
=== This Week 6 ===
* Initialization
*: Base classes, Attributes
* Recursion
* Expressions
* overloading Casts
=== To Do 6 ===
0.2 Milestone is due this week
=== blog posts 6 ===
=== Resources 6 ===
== Week 7 - Feb17 ==
=== This Week 7 ===
* sizeof and classes
* enum
* Project review 0.3 milestone
=== To Do 7 ===
=== blog posts 7 ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|+ Week 7 Stuff
! Title !! Author !! Comments
|[http://oop344ed.wordpress.com/2013/03/04/c-objects-sizes/ C++ Objects' Sizes] || [mailto:edokic@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 edokic] ||
=== Resources 7 ===
== Week 8 - Feb 24 (Study Break)==
=== This Week 8 ===
=== To Do 8 ===
=== blog posts 8 ===
=== Resources 8 ===
== Week 9 - Mar 3 ==
=== This Week 9 ===
* Midterm test: Wed 6th!
* Linked Lists Introduction
*: Standard Queues: Add (To be done as exercise by students), Remove, IsEmpty
*: [http://haiyuqiao.blogspot.ca/2013/03/queue-diagram.html Queue Diagram]
=== To Do 9 ===
* Release 0.3 Due on Wednesday 23:59
* Do the add method of the Queue as exercise
=== blog posts 9 ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|+ Week 9 Exercises
! Title !! Author !! Comments
|[http://haiyuqiao.blogspot.ca/2013/03/program-of-queue-add-and-remove.html Program of Queue(Add/Remove/NextNode)]<br/> [http://haiyuqiao.blogspot.ca/2013/03/program-of-queue-get-nodes_9.html Program of Queue(GetData/PreviousNode/PrintQueue)]|| [mailto:hqiao3@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Haiyu Qiao] ||
|[http://www.noobiedev.com/cplusplus/c-queue/ Queue]|| [mailto:fjzhou@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Ken Zhou] ||
|-|[http://kelan-meta.blogspot.ca/2013/03/queue-add.html Queue Add]|| [mailto:bli64@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Bo Li] ||
|[http://garydeng.tumblr.com/post/45387963771/add-data-to-queue Add data to queue]|| [mailto:xdeng7@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Xinggui Deng] ||
|[http://xin12.blogspot.ca/2013/03/add-method-of-queue.html Methods of the Queue]|| [mailto:xli206@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Xin Li] ||
|[http://csho3.wordpress.com/2013/03/19/queues-add-method/ My version of Add]|| [mailto:csho3@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Christopher Ho]||
|[http://mynameishano.blogspot.ca/2013/04/queue-add-method.html Queue Add method]||[mailto:hko5@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Hanho Ko]||
|[http://oop344ed.wordpress.com/2013/03/26/a-singly-linked-list-in-c/ A Singly Linked List]|| [mailto:edokic@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Erik Dokic]||
|[http://bleulynn.wordpress.com/2013/04/07/review-queue_add/ Queue_add]|| [mailto:rli64@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Ran Li]||
|[http://kazilemannor.wordpress.com/2013/04/13/oop344-queue-add/ Queue - add()]|| [mailto:zchen91@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Zhenyang Chen]||
=== Resources 9 ===
== Week 10 - Mar 10 ==
=== This Week 10 ===
* Linked Lists Continued
*# Stacks
*# Double Linked Lists
*#* [http://csho3.wordpress.com/2013/03/11/ddl-diagram/ DLL Diagram]
*#* [http://haiyuqiao.blogspot.ca/2013/03/dlls-append-function-flowchart.html DLL’s Append() Function Flowchart & Diagram]
*#* [http://haiyuqiao.blogspot.ca/2013/03/dlls-insert-function-flowchart.html DLL’s Insert() Function Flowchart & Diagram]
*#* [http://haiyuqiao.blogspot.ca/2013/03/dlls-remove-function-flowchart.html DLL’s Remove()/Del() Function Flowchart & Diagram]
=== To Do 10 ===
=== blog posts 10 ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|+ Week 10 Exercises
! Title !! Author !! Comments
|[http://kelan-meta.blogspot.ca/2013/03/dll-insert.html DLL Insert]|| [mailto:bli64@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Bo Li] ||
|[http://peter-huang.blogspot.ca/2013/03/dll-append.html DLL Append - WIP]|| [mailto:phuang19@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Peter Huang] ||
|[http://haiyuqiao.blogspot.ca/2013/03/dll-program.html DLL Program(Append/Insert/Remove/Del/Copy..)]|| [mailto:hqiao3@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 HaiyuQiao] || Nice and neat! Thanks. Gary Chen
|[http://garycc.blogspot.ca/2013/03/dllcpp-implement.html dll.cpp implement)]|| [mailto:cchen116@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Gary Chen] ||
|[http://byhwong.blogspot.ca/2013/03/dynamic-double-linked-list.html Dynamic Double Linked List]|| [mailto:yhwong6@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Brian Wong]||
|[http://mynameishano.blogspot.ca/2013/04/complete-double-linked-list-with-test.html Complete Double Linked List]|| [mailto:hko5@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Hanho Ko]||
| [http://www.noobiedev.com/cplusplus/c-double-linked-list/ DLL implementation] || [mailto:fjzhou@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 fjzhou]||
|[http://divya522.blogspot.ca/2013/03/double-linked-list-functions.html Functions of double linked list]||[mailto:dsharma37@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Divya Sharma] ||
|[http://garydeng.tumblr.com/post/45612821861/dll-insert-remove-append-retrieve-data Add/Remove/Append/Retrieve Data]|| [mailto:xdeng7@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Xinggui Deng]||
|[http://bleulynn.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/review-dll_insert/ dll_insert]|| [mailto:rli64@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Ran Li]||
|[http://kazilemannor.wordpress.com/2013/04/14/oop344-dll-insert/ DLL - insert()]|| [mailto:zchen91@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Zhenyang Chen]||
|[http://oop344ed.wordpress.com/2013/04/14/stack-in-c-using-a-recursive-method/ Stack in C++ Using a Recursive Method]|| [mailto:edokic@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Erik Dokic]||
=== Resources 10 ===
== Week 11 - Mar 17==
=== This Week 11 ===
* binary operations
*: Shifting
*: Masks, Bit patterns
*: Manipulating bits
* Project, Release 0.5 review
=== To Do 11 ===
=== blog posts 11 ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|+ Week 11 Exercises
! Title !! Author !! Comments
|[http://garydeng.tumblr.com/post/45809659145/return-bits-string Return bits string function]|| [mailto:xdeng7@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Xinggui Deng]||
|[http://haiyuqiao.blogspot.ca/2013/03/int-to-binary-string.html Int to Binary]|| [mailto:hqiao3@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Haiyu Qiao]||
|[http://oop344class.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/march-18-const-char-bitsunsigned-int-v const char* bits(unsigned int V)] ||  [mailto:seaswaran@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Sivathanushan Easwaran] ||
|[bitDump - http://oop344class.wordpress.com/2013/03/19/void-bitdumpvoid-mem-unsigned-int-size/] ||  [mailto:seaswaran@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Sivathanushan Easwaran] ||
|[setBit - http://oop344class.wordpress.com/2013/03/20/void-setbitunsigned-int-v-int-bitno-bool-val/] ||  [mailto:seaswaran@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Sivathanushan Easwaran] ||
|[copyBits - http://oop344class.wordpress.com/2013/03/20/19/] || [mailto:seaswaran@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Sivathanushan Easwaran] ||
|[http://garycc.blogspot.ca/ bitsChal1.cpp]||[mailto:cchen116@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Chun Chen]||
|[http://garydeng.tumblr.com/post/45877954907/setbit-prnbits-and-copybits-functions SetBit,prnBits, and copyBits functions]|| [mailto:xdeng7@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Xinggui Deng]||
|[http://divya522.blogspot.ca/2013/03/bit-functions.html Bit Functions]||[mailto:dsharma37@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Divya Sharma]||
|[http://garycc.blogspot.ca/2013/03/bitchal3-convert-double-to-binary-value.html double to binary]||[mailto:cchen116@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Chun Chen]||
|[http://garycc.blogspot.ca/2013/03/setbit-copybits.html setBit, copyBits]||[mailto:cchen116@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Chun Chen]||
|[http://garycc.blogspot.ca/2013/03/bitschal2-using-object-oriented-method.html using OO method]||[mailto:cchen116@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Chun Chen]||
|[http://pankajsama01.blogspot.ca/2013/03/setbits-function.html SetBit Function]||[mailto:psama@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Pankaj Sama]||
|[http://pankajsama01.blogspot.ca/2013/03/bitprint-function.html PrintBit Function]||[mailto:psama@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Pankaj Sama]||
|[http://pankajsama01.blogspot.ca/2013/03/convert-bits-value-of-variableany-type.html Convert Bits value to Hex]||[mailto:psama@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Pankaj Sama]||
|[http://asapcpp.tumblr.com/post/46113457914/setbit SetBit Function]||[mailto:kchizhikov1@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Kirill Chizhikov]||
|[http://asapcpp.tumblr.com/post/46169361964/copybits CopyBits Function]||[mailto:kchizhikov1@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Kirill Chizhikov]||
|[http://byhwong.blogspot.ca/2013/03/oop344-week-11-binary-string-function.html OOP344 Week 11: Binary String Function]<br />[http://byhwong.blogspot.ca/2013/03/oop344-week-11-object-oriented-binary.html OOP344 Week 11: Object Oriented Binary String Print]<br />[http://byhwong.blogspot.ca/2013/03/oop344-week-11-bit-dump-function.html OOP344 Week 11: Bit Dump Function]<br />[http://byhwong.blogspot.ca/2013/03/oop344-week-11-copy-bits.html OOP344 Week 11: Copy Bits]||[mailto:yhwong6@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Brian Wong]||
|[http://kelan-meta.blogspot.ca/2013/03/setbit-copybits.html SetBits CopyBits]||[mailto:bli64@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Bo Li]||
|[http://xin12.blogspot.ca/2013/03/setbit.html setBit and copyBit]||[mailto:xli206@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Xin Li]||
|[http://bleulynn.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=17&action=edit&message=6&postpost=v2 Bits]||[mailto:rli64@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Ran Li]||
| [http://www.noobiedev.com/cplusplus/bit-challenge-return-bit-string/ bitChal1 Return bit string] || [mailto:fjzhou@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 fjzhou]||
| [http://www.noobiedev.com/uncategorized/bit-challenge-2-ostream-bits/ bitChal2] ||
|[http://oop344ed.wordpress.com/2013/04/13/show-bits-with-c/ Show Bits with C++]||[mailto:edokic@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Erik Dokic]||
|[http://oop344ed.wordpress.com/2013/04/13/print-bit-pattern-using-c/ Print Bit Pattern Using C++]||[mailto:edokic@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Erik Dokic]||
|[http://oop344ed.wordpress.com/2013/04/13/set-and-copy-bits-using-c/ Set and Copy Bits Using C++]||[mailto:edokic@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Erik Dokic]||
=== Resources 11 ===
== Week 12 - Mar 24 ==
=== This Week 12 ===
* Templates
*: Function Templates
*: Class Templates
* Multiple Inheritance
*: Virtual Inheritance
* Binary file access
=== To Do 12 ===
=== blog posts 12 ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|+ Week 11 Exercises
! Title !! Author !! Comments
|[http://oop344class.wordpress.com/2013/03/29/print-backwards-with-seekgiosoff_typevalue-ioscur/ Print backwords with seekg and ios::cur]|| [mailto:seaswaran@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Sivathanushan Easwaran]||
|[http://oop344class.wordpress.com/2013/03/29/doubly-linked-list-template/ Doubly Linked List using Templates]|| [mailto:seaswaran@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Sivathanushan Easwaran]|| I added printList function in dllTester file to DLL class -S.E
|[http://garycc.blogspot.ca/2013/03/dll-template-dllh-and-dlltestercpp.html  DLL Template]|| [mailto:cchen116@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Chun Chen]||
|[http://garydeng.tumblr.com/post/47226213758/class-template-rules-and-ddl-template-example  Class Template Rules and DLL Template Example]|| [mailto:xdeng7@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Xinggui Deng]||
|[http://mynameishano.blogspot.ca/2013/04/complete-double-linked-list-with-class.html Double Linked List with class template]|| [mailto:hko5@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Hanho Ko]||
|[http://kelan-meta.blogspot.ca/2013/04/dll-template.html DLL Template]<br /> [http://kelan-meta.blogspot.ca/2013/04/backward-binary-print-with-seekg-and.html Backward Binary Print with seekg and ios::cur]<br />[http://kelan-meta.blogspot.ca/2013/04/double-coinstackvalue.html Get Coin Stack value]|| [mailto:bli64@myseneca.ca?subject=OOP344 Bo Li]||
=== Resources 12 ===
== Week 13 - Mar 31 ==
=== This Week 13 ===
* Templates, Inheritance, Files in action
* Exceptions
=== To Do 13 ===
=== blog posts 13 ===
=== Resources 13 ===
== Week 14 - Apr 7th ==
=== This Week 14 ===
* C++ Standard Library introduction
*: vector, deque, lists
* Algorithms intoruduction
* Test 2 Wednesday
=== To Do 14 ===
=== blog posts 14 ===
=== Resources 14 ===
* https://cs.senecac.on.ca/~btp300/pages/content/stdtl.html
== Exam Week ==
* Apr 16th,
* Room T4040
* 14:00

Latest revision as of 15:24, 14 April 2013

OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources

Week 1 - Jan 6

This Week 1

  • Introduction to Open Source development.
  • Collaboration Tools:
    • Wiki
    • Blog
    • IRC
    • Code Repository
    • Big Blue Button
  • Etherpad
  • Object Orientation Review
  • C Review
    pointers and arrays

To Do by Jan 14

  1. Read Pro-git book
    Chapter One and Chapter Two
  2. Create an account on github
  3. Create a blog (anywhere you like)
  4. Join the IRC by registering your nickname on freenode server and joining the #seneca-oop344 channel for 344 related dialog
    Additional channels of interest: #seneca to interact with all Seneca students participating in opensource projects, and #seneca-social for Social (off-topic) dialog.
  5. Select a team of four students and pick a name for you team
  6. Send one email per team to me and send your github and team information
    subject of the email should be 344info20131
    email content
    team name:
    nickname 1:
    name 1:
    surname 1:
    seneca username 1:
    github id 1:
    nickname 2:
    name 2:
    surname 2:
    seneca username 2:
    github id 2:
    number of team members:
  7. Create an account on this wiki: send an email to cdot-wiki-admin@senecac.on.ca and ask for an account, an email will be sent back to you with your userid and a temporary password; make sure you have the following included in your email.
    • Email subject: Wiki Account Request
    • The subject you are enrolled in: "OOP344"
    • Your Seneca user id
    • Send this email from your Seneca Account only
  8. Learn how to do basic editing in a wiki
  9. Having all the information above add your name to the student list

Resources 1

Week 2 - Jan 13

This Week 2

  • Real Signature of main()
  • Git Quick review
    clone, pull, push
    branch, add, commit
  • Variable Argument list

To Do 2

  • write 4 command line programs to do
    1. $ add num num<ENTER>
    2. $ sub num num<ENTER>
    3. $ mul num num<ENTER>
    4. $ div num num<ENTER>
  • write a program to show the content of an Operating system environment variable
    $ prnenv path<ENTER>
    The output will be either the "content" of path variable or "not found" if the environment variable does not exist.

blog posts 2

Week 2 Exercises
Title Author Comments
All Week 2 Programs bli64
OOP344-Week2 - ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV phuang19
OOP344-Week2 - Environmental Variable phuang19
OOP344 How to start a new project in Visual Studio 2012
OOP344 How to start a new project in Visual Studio 2012 (w/ PICTURES)
Simple Command Line Programs - ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV fjzhou
C++ - Command Line Program to Show Environment Variable fjzhou
OOP344 Week 2 - Environment Variable Content Search Program
OOP344 Week 2 - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Programs
yhwong6 clean blog - ken
Ken, do you mean the the blog template is too plain? - Brian
Brain, No. I like it, very clean and nice. - Ken
thank you - Brian
Week2 Proggies strotsky
Week2 commandline programs cchen116
Week 2 Exercises Benjamin Snively
OOP344 Command Line Programs Divya Sharma
argc and argv simple programs Xin Li
Two Simple Programs from OOP344 Hanho Ko
Week 2 exercises Lucas McIntosh
A easy copy cmd
week2 calculation program
Hua Zhong
basic command line program Koghulan Namasivayam
Week2-Exercise:{ADD/SUB/MUL/DIV},pnenvr path Haiyu Qiao
week2 programs vrpatel13
OOP344 Week-2 Programs Pankaj Sama
A Simple C++ Program for Basic Math Erik Dokic
This Program Prints the Content of a Specified OS Environment Variable Erik Dokic
The strNcat Function Concatenates any Number of Strings Passed to It Erik Dokic

resources 2

Week 3 - Jan 20

This Week 3

  • pointers
    void pointers
  • namespaces
  • Default Argument Values
  • Virtual review
  • operator overload review

To Do 3

  • in Xmover program make sure X can NOT go to bottom/right corner
  • Remove the if from console.display
  • Write console.display in one line (excluding the variable declaration)

blog posts 3

Week 3 Exercises
Title Author Comments
xMover - Preventing it from going to a new line
(Fixed) xMover - Preventing it from going to a new line
fjzhou This code causes an infinite loop -Ken
Remove the if from console.display Gary That's a really interesting idea, I like it - Lucas
Week 3 To Do Lucas
Week 3 xmover and console.display Bo Li
Week 3 To Do(Xmover, console.display) Pankaj Sama Is there any other way to do xmover
XMOVER solution
one-line display solution
Hua Zhong
Xmover and display() Xin
cdisplay function() Wei
display function() Chun
Private Class Members Not So Private After All edokic

Resources 3

Week 4 - Jan 27

This Week 4

  • Virtuals Review
  • Pure virtual methods
    Abstract Base Classes
  • Pointer to functions
  • Operators
    logical, arithmetic,
    lazy evaluation
  • typedef

To Do 4

  • Release 0.1 due on Tuesday Feb 5th 23:59

blog posts 4

Resources 4

Week 5 - Feb 3 *

  • Git Review
    preparing for the Application development
    Issues, branching, push and pull, pull request
  • Pointer to functions
  • Declaration Modifiers
    Static, Const and Classes
  • Lists
    Dynamic Arrays

This Week 5

To Do 5

  • Read the resource section for git and branching reveiw.

blog posts 5

Week 5 Exercises
Title Author Comments
Dynamic 2D integer Array Brian Wong

Resources 5

Week 6 - Feb 10

This Week 6

  • Initialization
    Base classes, Attributes
  • Recursion
  • Expressions
  • overloading Casts

To Do 6

0.2 Milestone is due this week

blog posts 6

Resources 6


Week 7 - Feb17

This Week 7

  • sizeof and classes
  • enum
  • Project review 0.3 milestone

To Do 7

blog posts 7

Week 7 Stuff
Title Author Comments
C++ Objects' Sizes edokic

Resources 7

Week 8 - Feb 24 (Study Break)

This Week 8

To Do 8

blog posts 8

Resources 8

Week 9 - Mar 3

This Week 9

  • Midterm test: Wed 6th!
  • Linked Lists Introduction
    Standard Queues: Add (To be done as exercise by students), Remove, IsEmpty
    Queue Diagram

To Do 9

  • Release 0.3 Due on Wednesday 23:59
  • Do the add method of the Queue as exercise

blog posts 9

Week 9 Exercises
Title Author Comments
Program of Queue(Add/Remove/NextNode)
Program of Queue(GetData/PreviousNode/PrintQueue)
Haiyu Qiao
Queue Ken Zhou
Add data to queue Xinggui Deng
Methods of the Queue Xin Li
My version of Add Christopher Ho
Queue Add method Hanho Ko
A Singly Linked List Erik Dokic
Queue_add Ran Li
Queue - add() Zhenyang Chen

Resources 9

Week 10 - Mar 10

This Week 10

To Do 10

blog posts 10

Week 10 Exercises
Title Author Comments
DLL Insert Bo Li
DLL Append - WIP Peter Huang
DLL Program(Append/Insert/Remove/Del/Copy..) HaiyuQiao Nice and neat! Thanks. Gary Chen
dll.cpp implement) Gary Chen
Dynamic Double Linked List Brian Wong
Complete Double Linked List Hanho Ko
DLL implementation fjzhou
Functions of double linked list Divya Sharma
Add/Remove/Append/Retrieve Data Xinggui Deng
dll_insert Ran Li
DLL - insert() Zhenyang Chen
Stack in C++ Using a Recursive Method Erik Dokic

Resources 10

Week 11 - Mar 17

This Week 11

  • binary operations
    Masks, Bit patterns
    Manipulating bits
  • Project, Release 0.5 review

To Do 11

blog posts 11

Week 11 Exercises
Title Author Comments
Return bits string function Xinggui Deng
Int to Binary Haiyu Qiao
const char* bits(unsigned int V) Sivathanushan Easwaran
[bitDump - http://oop344class.wordpress.com/2013/03/19/void-bitdumpvoid-mem-unsigned-int-size/] Sivathanushan Easwaran
[setBit - http://oop344class.wordpress.com/2013/03/20/void-setbitunsigned-int-v-int-bitno-bool-val/] Sivathanushan Easwaran
[copyBits - http://oop344class.wordpress.com/2013/03/20/19/] Sivathanushan Easwaran
bitsChal1.cpp Chun Chen
SetBit,prnBits, and copyBits functions Xinggui Deng
Bit Functions Divya Sharma
double to binary Chun Chen
setBit, copyBits Chun Chen
using OO method Chun Chen
SetBit Function Pankaj Sama
PrintBit Function Pankaj Sama
Convert Bits value to Hex Pankaj Sama
SetBit Function Kirill Chizhikov
CopyBits Function Kirill Chizhikov
OOP344 Week 11: Binary String Function
OOP344 Week 11: Object Oriented Binary String Print
OOP344 Week 11: Bit Dump Function
OOP344 Week 11: Copy Bits
Brian Wong
SetBits CopyBits Bo Li
setBit and copyBit Xin Li
Bits Ran Li
bitChal1 Return bit string fjzhou
Show Bits with C++ Erik Dokic
Print Bit Pattern Using C++ Erik Dokic
Set and Copy Bits Using C++ Erik Dokic

Resources 11

Week 12 - Mar 24

This Week 12

  • Templates
    Function Templates
    Class Templates
  • Multiple Inheritance
    Virtual Inheritance
  • Binary file access

To Do 12

blog posts 12

Week 11 Exercises
Title Author Comments
Print backwords with seekg and ios::cur Sivathanushan Easwaran
Doubly Linked List using Templates Sivathanushan Easwaran I added printList function in dllTester file to DLL class -S.E
DLL Template Chun Chen
Class Template Rules and DLL Template Example Xinggui Deng

Double Linked List with class template Hanho Ko
DLL Template
Backward Binary Print with seekg and ios::cur
Get Coin Stack value
Bo Li

Resources 12

Week 13 - Mar 31

This Week 13

  • Templates, Inheritance, Files in action
  • Exceptions

To Do 13

blog posts 13

Resources 13

Week 14 - Apr 7th

This Week 14

  • C++ Standard Library introduction
    vector, deque, lists
  • Algorithms intoruduction
  • Test 2 Wednesday

To Do 14

blog posts 14

Resources 14

Exam Week

  • Apr 16th,
  • Room T4040
  • 14:00