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(Assignment 1)
(Modified Makefile Summary for Profiling)
Line 304: Line 304:
=== Modified Makefile for Profiling ===
=== Modified Makefile for Profiling ===
CIMG_FILES = CImg_demo
CIMG_FILES = CImg_demo
# Files which requires external libraries to run.
# Files which requires external libraries to run.
Line 383: Line 381:
# Flags to enable code debugging.
# Flags to enable code debugging.
Line 622: Line 618:
@echo "CImg Library $(CIMG_VERSION) : Examples"
@echo "-----------------------------"
@echo "  > linux    : Linux/BSD target, X11 display, optimizations disabled."
@echo "  > dlinux  : Linux/BSD target, X11 display, debug mode."
@echo "  > olinux  : Linux/BSD target, X11 display, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > mlinux  : Linus/BSD target, no display, minimal features, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > Mlinux  : Linux/BSD target, X11 display, maximal features, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > solaris  : Sun Solaris target, X11 display, optimizations disabled."
@echo "  > dsolaris : Sun Solaris target, X11 display, debug mode."
@echo "  > osolaris : Sun Solaris target, X11 display, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > msolaris : Sun Solaris target, no display, minimal features, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > Msolaris : Sun Solaris target, X11 display, maximal features, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > macosx  : MacOSX target, X11 display, optimizations disabled."
@echo "  > dmacosx  : MacOSX target, X11 display, debug mode."
@echo "  > omacosx  : MacOSX target, X11 display, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > mmacosx  : MacOSX target, no display, minimal features, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > Mmacosx  : MacOSX target, X11 display, maximal features, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > windows  : Windows target, GDI32 display, optimizations disabled."
@echo "  > dwindows : Windows target, GDI32 display, debug mode."
@echo "  > owindows : Windows target, GDI32 display, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > mwindows : Windows target, no display, minimal features, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > Mwindows : Windows target, GDI32 display, maximal features, optimizations enabled."
@echo "  > clean    : Clean generated files."
@echo "Choose your option :"
@read CHOICE; echo; $(MAKE) $$CHOICE; echo; echo "> Next time, you can bypass the menu by typing directly 'make $$CHOICE'"; echo;
all: $(CIMG_FILES)
Line 700: Line 628:
# Specific targets for the 'gmic_gimp' plug-in for GIMP.
gmic_gimp.o: gmic.cpp gmic_def.h
$(CC) -o gmic_gimp.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_gimp -Dgmic_float_only $(CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS) $(CIMG_FFTW3_CFLAGS) $(CIMG_PNG_CFLAGS)
gmic_gimp: gmic_gimp.o gmic_gimp.cpp
$(CC) -o $(EXEPFX)gmic_gimp gmic_gimp.cpp gmic_gimp.o -Dcimg_build `gimptool-2.0 --cflags` `gimptool-2.0 --libs` $(CIMG_GIMP_CFLAGS) $(CIMG_OPT_FLAGS) $(CIMG_FFTW3_LDFLAGS) $(CIMG_PNG_LDFLAGS) -lpthread
# Specific targets for 'gmic'.
gmic_def: gmic_def.gmic
cd ../../gmic/src && $(MAKE) def
gmic_bool.o: gmic.cpp
@echo "** Compiling 'gmic ($(CIMG_VERSION))' with '$(CCVER)'"
$(CC) -o gmic_bool.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_bool $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS)
gmic_uchar.o: gmic.cpp
$(CC) -o gmic_uchar.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_uchar $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS)
gmic_char.o: gmic.cpp
$(CC) -o gmic_char.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_char $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS)
gmic_ushort.o: gmic.cpp
$(CC) -o gmic_ushort.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_ushort $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS)
gmic_short.o: gmic.cpp
$(CC) -o gmic_short.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_short $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS)
gmic_uint.o: gmic.cpp
$(CC) -o gmic_uint.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_uint $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS)
gmic_int.o: gmic.cpp
$(CC) -o gmic_int.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_int $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS)
gmic_float.o: gmic.cpp
$(CC) -o gmic_float.o -c gmic.cpp -Dgmic_main -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_float $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS)
gmic_double.o: gmic.cpp
$(CC) -o gmic_double.o -c gmic.cpp -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation -Dgmic_double $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS)
gmic: gmic_bool.o gmic_uchar.o gmic_char.o gmic_ushort.o gmic_short.o gmic_uint.o gmic_int.o gmic_float.o gmic_double.o gmic_def.h
$(CC) -o $(EXEPFX)gmic -Dcimg_build -Dgmic_split_compilation \
gmic_bool.o gmic_uchar.o gmic_char.o gmic_ushort.o gmic_short.o \
gmic_uint.o gmic_int.o gmic_float.o gmic_double.o $(CFLAGS) $(CONF_CFLAGS) $(CONF_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
$(CC) -o $(EXEPFX)gmic gmic.cpp -Dgmic_main -Dgmic_float_only -Dcimg_build -Dcimg_use_fftw3 -Dcimg_use_png -Dcimg_display=1 -I/usr/X11R6/include -g -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lpthread -lfftw3 -lpng -lz
ifeq ($(STRIP_EXE),true)
strip $(EXEPFX)gmic
# Linux/BSD/Mac OSX targets, with X11 display.
# Linux/BSD/Mac OSX targets, with X11 display.

Revision as of 20:08, 7 February 2013

Top Solo


team name - classical DoTA reference

CImage is a free and open source cross platform Image Processing solution written in C++:

Links Supporting Project:



Shayan's Blog

Assignment 1

I am going to try and profile and optimize the following function from the CImg Library. This function creates triangles on the screen and allows the user to make them clump up by clicking the mouse buttons.

Compilation with profiling on Mac OSX:

g++ -o CImg_demo CImg_demo.cpp -O2 -g -pg -I.. -Wall -W -ansi -pedantic -Dcimg_use_vt100 -I/usr/X11R6/include -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lpthread -lX11

Summary of Findings

The execution of the program takes roughly 80-90 seconds. it should be noted that this application initially was an application that relied upon user input for execution and for termination. I have modified this initial behavior by ensuring the while loop (which generates the triangles) executes only for a maximum of 1000 iterations. The time measured in this assignment is for every 1000 iterations of this loop.

Profiling Results The results if the initial profile shows that the execution time is most greatly consumed when drawing the triangles out to the screen one at a time. It seems like this can be optimized by offloading this drawing to n threads based on n triangles to be drawn. But this is subject to change because of any additional complexity that may be introduced that may include interoperability with both the GPU and CPU.

There is another for loop which sets the dimensions for each triangle one by one in linear time O(n ). This process can also be out-sourced to the GPU in n threads for n triangles. I would need to determine if this process also involves interoperability between the CPU and GPU.

The complexity of the entire program is O(n^3). There is a for loop for setup, a while loop for accepting user input and another for loop for drawing the triangles.

Also the times recorded can be increase if the maximum loop iterations increase ie: 10000,100000,1000000. This will identify the same relationship but with higher task time.

Amdahls Law Calculations

Since there are 100 Triangles generated then we can theoretically create 100 threads for each triangle. The draw_line, draw_triangle, and draw_image functions take up 16 percent(0.38 + 0.08 + 0.06 / 3.10) of the execution time of the application in seconds. Plugging that into the equation using 100 cores we get:

S100 = 1/ 1 - 0.16 + 0.16 / 100

= 1.18 seconds or 1.2 seconds speedup rounded up PER 1000 iterations of the while loop to draw these triangles.

Will I work on this Project? If I can optimize this function or any other function within the CImg library I will continue with this project. If it is not possible to optimize this project within the given time of the course then it will be difficult to continue on with this project and I will have to work with someone else's project. But my initial plan is to continue with this project unless I am told otherwise.

Makefile changes

I have made changes to the original Makefile that was provided with this library. I have customized it to compile for profiling by default. A new build can be generate by cleaning the old build (eg: make clean). The source can be compiled by running make <platform> eg: macosx, linux. You will need to download a third party program to allow you to run the 'make' command on Windows but the execution is the same. it can also be run on windows using visual Studio or on the command line("cl.exe must be in the environnent PATH variable").

Build Instructions

make <platform> eg: macosx, linux etc.

// Item : Filled Triangles


void* item_filled_triangles() {


   // Size

   const int SIZE = 100;

  // Create a colored 640x480 background image which consists of different color shades.

  CImg<float> background(640,480,1,3);

  cimg_forXY(background,x,y) background.fillC(x,y,0,

                                              x*std::cos(6.0*y/background.height()) + y*std::sin(9.0*x/background.width()),

                                              x*std::sin(8.0*y/background.height()) - y*std::cos(11.0*x/background.width()),

                                              x*std::cos(13.0*y/background.height()) - y*std::sin(8.0*x/background.width()));


  // Init images and create display window.
  CImg<unsigned char> img0(background), img;

  unsigned char white[] = { 255, 255, 255 }, color[100][3];

  CImgDisplay disp(img0,"[#6] - Filled Triangles (Click to shrink)");

  // Define random properties (pos, size, colors, ..) for all triangles that will be displayed.
  float posx[SIZE], posy[SIZE], rayon[SIZE], angle[SIZE], veloc[SIZE], opacity[SIZE];

  int num = 1;

  std::srand((unsigned int)time(0));

  // I'm thinking of offloading these operations to the GPU
  for (int k = 0; k<SIZE; ++k) {

    posx[k] = (float)(cimg::rand()*img0.width());

    posy[k] = (float)(cimg::rand()*img0.height());

    rayon[k] = (float)(10 + cimg::rand()*50);

    angle[k] = (float)(cimg::rand()*360);

    veloc[k] = (float)(cimg::rand()*20 - 10);

    color[k][0] = (unsigned char)(cimg::rand()*255);

    color[k][1] = (unsigned char)(cimg::rand()*255);

    color[k][2] = (unsigned char)(cimg::rand()*255);

    opacity[k] = (float)(0.3 + 1.5*cimg::rand());

  // Start animation loop.

  while (!disp.is_closed() && !disp.is_keyQ() && !disp.is_keyESC()) {
    img = img0;

	/* Maybe offload this for loop to GPU? */

    // Draw each triangle on the background image.

    for (int k = 0; k<num; ++k) {

      const int

        x0 = (int)(posx[k] + rayon[k]*std::cos(angle[k]*cimg::PI/180)),

        y0 = (int)(posy[k] + rayon[k]*std::sin(angle[k]*cimg::PI/180)),

        x1 = (int)(posx[k] + rayon[k]*std::cos((angle[k] + 120)*cimg::PI/180)),

        y1 = (int)(posy[k] + rayon[k]*std::sin((angle[k] + 120)*cimg::PI/180)),

        x2 = (int)(posx[k] + rayon[k]*std::cos((angle[k] + 240)*cimg::PI/180)),

        y2 = (int)(posy[k] + rayon[k]*std::sin((angle[k] + 240)*cimg::PI/180));

      if (k%10) img.draw_triangle(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,color[k],opacity[k]);

      else img.draw_triangle(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,img0,0,0,img0.width()-1,0,0,img.height()-1,opacity[k]);


      // Make the triangles rotate, and check for mouse click event.

      // (to make triangles collapse or join).


      if (disp.mouse_x()>0 && disp.mouse_y()>0) {

        float u = disp.mouse_x() - posx[k], v = disp.mouse_y() - posy[k];

        if (disp.button()) { u = -u; v = -v; }

        posx[k]-=0.03f*u, posy[k]-=0.03f*v;

        if (posx[k]<0 || posx[k]>=img.width()) posx[k] = (float)(cimg::rand()*img.width());

        if (posy[k]<0 || posy[k]>=img.height()) posy[k] = (float)(cimg::rand()*img.height());



    // Display current animation framerate, and refresh display window.

    img.draw_text(5,5,"%u frames/s",white,0,0.5f,13,(unsigned int)disp.frames_per_second());


    if (++num>SIZE) num = SIZE;

    // Allow the user to toggle fullscreen mode, by pressing CTRL+F.

    if (disp.is_keyCTRLLEFT() && disp.is_keyF()) disp.resize(640,480,false).toggle_fullscreen(false);


  return 0;


Initial Profile (on OpenSUSE Linux at Seneca)

Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.

  %   cumulative   self              self     total           

 time   seconds   seconds    calls  us/call  us/call  name    

 82.26      2.55     2.55  4820368     0.53     0.53  frame_dummy

 12.26      2.93     0.38                             cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>& cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>::draw_line<unsigned char>(int, int, int, int, unsigned char const*, float, unsigned int, bool)

  2.58      3.01     0.08    10965     7.30     7.33  cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>& cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>::draw_image<float, float>(int, int, int, int, cimg_library::CImg<float> const&, cimg_library::CImg<float> const&, float, float)

  1.94      3.07     0.06                             cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>& cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>::_draw_triangle<unsigned char>(int, int, int, int, int, int, unsigned char const*, float, float)

  0.32      3.08     0.01   298115     0.03     0.03  cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>::is_empty() const

  0.32      3.09     0.01                             item_3d_reflection()

  0.32      3.10     0.01                             cimg_library::CImg<float>::fillC(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, double, ...)

  0.00      3.10     0.00    14040     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>::assign(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)

  0.00      3.10     0.00    13270     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>::assign(float const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)

  0.00      3.10     0.00     9053     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::cimg::X11_attr()

  0.00      3.10     0.00     7130     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>::~CImg()

  0.00      3.10     0.00     2305     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>::move_to(cimg_library::CImg<float>&)

  0.00      3.10     0.00     1793     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>& cimg_library::CImg<float>::assign<float>(cimg_library::CImg<float> const&, bool)

  0.00      3.10     0.00     1024     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<unsigned long>::CImg(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)

  0.00      3.10     0.00     1000     0.00     0.53  cimg_library::CImgDisplay& cimg_library::CImgDisplay::render<unsigned char>(cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char> const&, bool)

  0.00      3.10     0.00     1000     0.00    80.40  cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>& cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>::_draw_text<unsigned char, unsigned char, float>(int, int, char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, float, cimg_library::CImgList<float> const&)

  0.00      3.10     0.00     1000     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>::assign(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)

  0.00      3.10     0.00     1000     0.00    81.11  cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>& cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>::draw_text<unsigned char, unsigned char>(int, int, char const*, unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, float, unsigned int, ...)

  0.00      3.10     0.00      769     0.00     0.70  cimg_library::CImg<float>::resize(int, int, int, int, int, unsigned int, float, float, float, float)

  0.00      3.10     0.00      769     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>::CImg(cimg_library::CImg<float> const&)

  0.00      3.10     0.00      769     0.00     0.70  cimg_library::CImg<float>::get_resize(int, int, int, int, int, unsigned int, float, float, float, float) const

  0.00      3.10     0.00      768     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<unsigned long>::fill(unsigned long)

  0.00      3.10     0.00      702     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>::draw_image(int, int, int, int, cimg_library::CImg<float> const&, float)

  0.00      3.10     0.00      513     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>::assign(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, float)

  0.00      3.10     0.00      512     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImgList<float>::insert(cimg_library::CImg<float> const&, unsigned int, bool)

  0.00      3.10     0.00      189     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>::CImg(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)

  0.00      3.10     0.00      189     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>::get_crop(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool) const

  0.00      3.10     0.00       67     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<float>::CImg(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, float)

  0.00      3.10     0.00        6     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImgList<float>::assign(unsigned int)

  0.00      3.10     0.00        3     0.00     0.35  cimg_library::CImgDisplay::_handle_events(_XEvent const*)

  0.00      3.10     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImgList<float>::assign(cimg_library::CImgList<float> const&, bool)

  0.00      3.10     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImgList<float>::~CImgList()

  0.00      3.10     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  _GLOBAL__sub_I__Z22item_blurring_gradientv

  0.00      3.10     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImgDisplay::_map_window()

  0.00      3.10     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImgDisplay::_assign(unsigned int, unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int, bool, bool)

  0.00      3.10     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char>::~CImg()

  0.00      3.10     0.00        1     0.00   136.13  cimg_library::CImgList<float>::font(unsigned int, bool)

  0.00      3.10     0.00        1     0.00   136.13  cimg_library::CImgList<float>::_font(unsigned int const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, bool)

  0.00      3.10     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImgList<float>& cimg_library::CImgList<float>::insert<float>(cimg_library::CImgList<float> const&, unsigned int, bool)

  0.00      3.10     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  cimg_library::CImgList<float>::CImgList(cimg_library::CImgList<float> const&)

  0.00      3.10     0.00        1     0.00   136.13  cimg_library::CImgList<float>::get_crop_font() const

Modified Makefile for Profiling

CIMG_FILES = CImg_demo
# Files which requires external libraries to run.

CIMG_EXTRA_FILES = use_jpeg_buffer \

                   gmic_gimp \



# Set correct variables and paths



X11PATH      = /usr/X11R6

CC           = g++

EXEPFX       =

CCVER       = $(CC)

ifeq ($(CC),g++)

CCVER        = `$(CC) -v 2>&1 | tail -n 1`


ifeq ($(CC),clang++)

CCVER        = `$(CC) -v 2>&1 | head -n 1`


ifeq ($(CC),icc)

CCVER        = "icc \( `$(CC) -v 2>&1`\)"

CFLAGS       = -I..

LDFLAGS      =



'''CFLAGS       = -I.. -Wall -W -O2 -g -pg''' 

'''LDFLAGS      = -lm -pg'''



# Set compilation flags allowing to customize CImg


# Flags to enable strict code standards

ifeq ($(CC),icc)



CIMG_ANSI_CFLAGS = -ansi -pedantic

# Flags to enable code debugging.

CIMG_DEBUG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_verbosity=3 -Dcimg_strict_warnings -g

# Flags to enable color output messages.

# (requires a VT100 compatible terminal)

CIMG_VT100_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_vt100

# Flags to enable code optimization by the compiler.

ifeq ($(CC),icc)

CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS = -O3 -ipo -no-prec-div


CIMG_OPT_CFLAGS = -O3 -fno-tree-pre


# Flags to enable OpenMP support.

ifeq ($(CC),icc)

CIMG_OPENMP_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_openmp -openmp -i-static


CIMG_OPENMP_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_openmp -fopenmp


# Flags to enable OpenCV support.

CIMG_OPENCV_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_opencv -I/usr/include/opencv

CIMG_OPENCV_LDFLAGS = -lcv -lhighgui

# Flags used to disable display capablities of CImg

CIMG_NODISPLAY_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_display=0

# Flags to enable the use of the X11 library.

# (X11 is used by CImg to handle display windows)

# !!! For 64bits systems : replace -L$(X11PATH)/lib by -L$(X11PATH)/lib64 !!!

CIMG_X11_CFLAGS = -I$(X11PATH)/include

CIMG_X11_LDFLAGS = -L$(X11PATH)/lib -lpthread -lX11

# Flags to enable fast image display, using the XSHM library (when using X11).

# !!! Seems to randomly crash when used on MacOSX and 64bits systems, so use it only when necessary !!!

CIMG_XSHM_CFLAGS = # -Dcimg_use_xshm


# Flags to enable GDI32 display (Windows native).

CIMG_GDI32_CFLAGS = -mwindows

CIMG_GDI32_LDFLAGS = -lgdi32

# Flags to enable screen mode switching, using the XRandr library (when using X11).

# ( http://www.x.org/wiki/Projects/XRandR )

# !!! Not supported by the X11 server on MacOSX, so do not use it on MacOSX !!!

CIMG_XRANDR_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_xrandr


# Flags to enable native support for PNG image files, using the PNG library.

# ( http://www.libpng.org/ )

CIMG_PNG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_png

CIMG_PNG_LDFLAGS = -lpng -lz

# Flags to enable native support for JPEG image files, using the JPEG library.

# ( http://www.ijg.org/ )

CIMG_JPEG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_jpeg


# Flags to enable native support for TIFF image files, using the TIFF library.

# ( http://www.libtiff.org/ )

CIMG_TIFF_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_tiff


# Flags to enable native support for MINC2 image files, using the MINC2 library.

# ( http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/MINC/Reference/MINC2.0_Users_Guide )

CIMG_MINC2_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_minc2 -I${HOME}/local/include

CIMG_MINC2_LDFLAGS = -lminc_io -lvolume_io2 -lminc2 -lnetcdf -lhdf5 -lz -L${HOME}/local/lib

# Flags to enable native support for EXR image files, using the OpenEXR library.

# ( http://www.openexr.com/ )

CIMG_EXR_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_openexr -I/usr/include/OpenEXR

CIMG_EXR_LDFLAGS = -lIlmImf -lHalf

# Flags to enable native support for various video files, using the FFMPEG library.

# ( http://www.ffmpeg.org/ )

CIMG_FFMPEG_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_ffmpeg -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -I/usr/include/libavcodec -I/usr/include/libavformat -I/usr/include/libswscale -I/usr/include/ffmpeg

CIMG_FFMPEG_LDFLAGS = -lavcodec -lavformat -lswscale

# Flags to enable native support for compressed .cimgz files, using the Zlib library.

# ( http://www.zlib.net/ )

CIMG_ZLIB_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_zlib


# Flags to enable native support of most classical image file formats, using the Magick++ library.

# ( http://www.imagemagick.org/Magick++/ )

CIMG_MAGICK_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_magick `Magick++-config --cppflags` `Magick++-config --cxxflags`

CIMG_MAGICK_LDFLAGS = `Magick++-config --ldflags` `Magick++-config --libs`

# Flags to enable faster Discrete Fourier Transform computation, using the FFTW3 library

# ( http://www.fftw.org/ )

CIMG_FFTW3_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_fftw3

ifeq ($(MSYSTEM),MINGW32)

CIMG_FFTW3_LDFLAGS = -lfftw3-3




# Flags to enable the use of LAPACK routines for matrix computation

# ( http://www.netlib.org/lapack/ )

CIMG_LAPACK_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_lapack

CIMG_LAPACK_LDFLAGS = -lblas -lg2c -llapack

# Flags to enable the use of the Board library

# ( http://libboard.sourceforge.net/ )

CIMG_BOARD_CFLAGS = -Dcimg_use_board -I/usr/include/board


# Flags to compile on Sun Solaris

CIMG_SOLARIS_LDFLAGS = -R$(X11PATH)/lib -lrt -lnsl -lsocket

# Flags to compile GIMP plug-ins.

ifeq ($(MSYSTEM),MINGW32)

CIMG_GIMP_CFLAGS = -mwindows



# Define Makefile entries




	@echo "** Compiling '$* ($(CIMG_VERSION))' with '$(CCVER)'"



ifeq ($(STRIP_EXE),true)

ifeq ($(MSYSTEM),MINGW32)

	strip $(EXEPFX)$*.exe


	strip $(EXEPFX)$*




	rm -rf *.exe *.o *~ \#* $(CIMG_FILES) $(CIMG_EXTRA_FILES)

ifneq ($(EXEPFX),)

	rm -f $(EXEPFX)*


# Linux/BSD/Mac OSX targets, with X11 display.


	@$(MAKE) \










# MacOsX targets, with X11 display.


	@$(MAKE) \










# Windows targets, with GDI32 display.


	@$(MAKE) \





Assignment 2

Assignment 3